Alabama Killing Spree!?!

Maybe some of you should read up on the work of Lothar Adler, a German psychologist and specialist for Amok runs and killing sprees.
For example he researched every case of school shooting worldwide (which were about 140) and found out, that it happened in liberal areas as well as conservative areas, in towns as well as in the countryside, by the hands of rich students and by the hands of poor. The one thing almost all of them have in common, is the root: failure and collapse.
And that can be explained by the same things that explain nine out of ten killing sprees/amok runs/school shootings: the person deciding on such a violent act is mostly a person misunderstood, singled-out or even abused by their direct environment (parents, work, school) or even society as a whole. That can have different reasons, for example:
the loss of job and house (financial and economic failure, which is in most capitalist countries even equal to personal failure and shame)
the loss of loved ones (personal trauma that one couldn't recover from, be it from rejection (for example a divorce) or death)
the loss of control and/or dignity (mobbing, harassment, abuse, unjust and mischievous treatment, rape (yes, there have been killing sprees for example by women because they were abused and/or raped and society around them ignored or even ridiculed them))

By the way, the historical background of the genesis of this phenomenon is different from what most of you here think. The word "amok" was (old) Malay and meant something like "avenging one's honor" and thus comes from a rather poor society, without guns, without a public school system and without capitalism. The points argued here in this thread either accelerate and strengthen the process of making an amok shooter or help make amok runs easier (availability of weapons), but the root causes are somewhere else: the system of ridicule, shame, dishonoring, defamation, abuse (and so on), that instable or sensitive people often can't bear or endure.