Alabama Killing Spree!?!


Postal Paranoiac
Every few weeks there's a news story like this. Shouldn't we get to the root of what's causing people to freak out like this? Maybe the government should redirect some of those federal funds toward that! And while we're at it, the NRA should spend its money looking into how to prevent this kind of thing, using the money it usually uses to fund pro-gun rallies in the communities where this happens.
Every few weeks there's a news story like this. Shouldn't we get to the root of what's causing people to freak out like this? Maybe the government should redirect some of those federal funds toward that! And while we're at it, the NRA should spend its money looking into how to prevent this kind of thing, using the money it usually uses to fund pro-gun rallies in the communities where this happens.

The mailman says it. Listen to him.
But the problem is that this will probably not happen very soon if at all. I guess most Americans wouldn't like the results of a search after the causes of and deeper reasons for shootings like that.


Every few weeks there's a news story like this. Shouldn't we get to the root of what's causing people to freak out like this? Maybe the government should redirect some of those federal funds toward that! And while we're at it, the NRA should spend its money looking into how to prevent this kind of thing, using the money it usually uses to fund pro-gun rallies in the communities where this happens.

OK, I'll take you at face value...but can you list the mass shootings that have occured every few weeks since, oh, say...October 2008. That would be around 1 1/2 to 2 per month, say 7-10 mass shootings ?
I must have missed the others...


I have explained where my thought came from. However, there are a few facts which speak up to those stereotypes. USA has by far the greatest amount of civil casualties caused by firearms in the world (not counting the countries which have war on their land). I do not wish to imply that this means every one there is walking around with an M16 and has a gatling mounted strategically on their yard. I only said that taking into account some statistics, this news were not surprising to me. Moreover, such bloodbaths happen in the USA quite regularly.

But there is also a big difference with your figurative answer regarding Switzerland. What you have given was a sterotype based on their history and culture, which is particular for them. I sincerely hope that this does not imply (from your side) that the case is the same in Alabama regarding guns.

Sorry, but you are wandering all over the logic landscape. I don't get what you are saying at this point...
Are you lost in Time, Space, and the last movie you saw?
Do you really think that Alabama is still the same as it was 100+ years ago?
How do you explain away the German shootings...?
Or do you base your knowledge of Germany on various movies ranging from the Middle Ages to WWII, or the 50s-70s Cold War spy flicks?


Little did one of the main deputies of which was involved in the lengthy road pursuit know that his suspect had earlier murdered his wife and child !

Did any of guys catch that part of the story ?


Yes...when I heard about the shooting of a Deputys wife and 1 year old child, I got a chill...and learning about his involvement in the "chase" before he learned about their deaths, I felt some of the numbness and horror of those who lost someone to the major level asshole.
When I was about 17 a girl I was "dating" lost her Mom to another major asshole...he was holding up their small grocery store and shot her in the head.
The parents were both Death Camp survivors, with the crude blue tatoos on their forearms, and the bitter irony of the death didn't escape me.

There is an expression "God never gives you more than you can handle"...I think this could be the kind of situation that truly tests that theory.
Sorry, but you are wandering all over the logic landscape. I don't get what you are saying at this point...
Are you lost in Time, Space, and the last movie you saw?
Do you really think that Alabama is still the same as it was 100+ years ago?
I am not implying Alabama is the same as it was 100+ years ago. I actually have no idea how it was then, as I have also clearly stated I do not know how it actually is today.

How do you explain away the German shootings...?
Or do you base your knowledge of Germany on various movies ranging from the Middle Ages to WWII, or the 50s-70s Cold War spy flicks?
I can't. But there were a few differences with the two shootings. Starting with the fact that the one in Germany was done by a teenage kid. Which is not an apology for the German system per se, but it should put things a into perspective.

I have personal experience with three suicide cases which happened in the period of one year in my school. It was, of course, a huge drama (the statistics of this year was, that 1% of students commited suicide that year). There had been also some suicides in a couple of years before that. There were many theories on what could have caused it and why. In the end, a very good psychiatrist had a lecture to teachers and explained that this was most probably caused by a great confusion and social dissorientation of individuals and that the responsibility of the teachers as people who have contacts with a lot of people on a daily basis should be to notice such problems. There wasn't a suicide there more than 10 years. I am not saying they never will be, but it has certainly improved. So what I was trying to say is, thatin both cases the society has simply failed to spot such extreme case of personal agony and confusion which brought people to the point where they were able to perform such an atrosity. And that as much as I know of Alabama, it is much more famous for owning guns. But I am not saying that this is all that you do.

In case of a student, spotting potential psychological problems may be easier since he is obliged to participate on social events on a daily basis. It is a part of education. In the case of adults, it is more difficult. Now of course, you (meaning anyone "normal") has two choices. Either just don't care about "that weirdo that leaves two blocks away, never says anything and has nothing to show in life", or you try to understand his behavious. You as a person can never do the first thing entirely, since you are limited to a 24 hour day. But if everyone chooses this easy way, such extreme events will happen every now and then. And despite what I have said in the first post, I believe that they can happen anywhere. If not with guns, with knives, home mad explosives or whatever comes to mind.

There is another topic on the German shooting, so I don't want to get carried away and speak too much about it here. But I hope this has sort of cleared it out.
Some times you have to, when you have so many hard-headed, gun-grabing simpletons in the world (namely, America). :helpme:

So I guess America is the ONLY place on this earth where out of control dumbasses grab a gun and unleash their stupidity on innocent people. Kinda like they do in Darfur, Afghanistan, Oh and just this past week - Germany! But let's concentrate our efforts on America being the only place where "killing sprees" are prevalent - forget about places like Burma, Mexico, and Somalia where you can get shot just for praying in church/temple, living in a town that a drug cartel owns, or simply belonging to a different tribe.
More importantly let's get bogged down in the "one-sided" debate of outlawing firearms in the United States. Because that certainly would stop innocent people from getting killed by people. The NRA is the problem, responsible gun-owners are the devil, and GUNS are the only instruments of destruction that have the potential to kill people.

God forbid that one day when guns are outlawed everywhere on this earth - that someone gets killed by a kitchen knife or a cleaver - because then we will have to call on Leftist Social correct Demokrats of Kalifornia to pass, enact, and oppress with their laws the need for "Kitchen Utensil Control".

But for now, let's just thank "the unamed"/"ambiguously" non-acknowledged higher entity that Senator Harriet Reid - Finkelstein - Pilosy worship. Because yep! We Americans are one step closer to making it a better world because Gun Control in Kalifornia has definitely stopped gang violence! And people would kill people the right way - with ANYTHING OTHER than a bats, shovels, cars, etc. Can't wait until we start banning the sales of kitchenware and enforcing licenses for sports equipment that could be used as blunt instruments!

Two main points - 1.) the United States isn't the only place where stupid people/"simpletons" with guns are a problem! and 2.) STUPID PEOPLE KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE everyday in the world - and a good majority are done without guns - go to Africa sometime and see how many corpses have bled out because their hands/limbs were cut off by a sharp instruments.

So to you detractors of America and the haters of Responsible Gun Owners.... :thefinger
To idiots ("jaded-I hate my life - I wanna fit in but I can't" kids and irresponsible parents of psychologically unstable kids) :thefinger:thefinger
The majority of the liberal Kalifornians who believe that guns are evil:thefinger:thefinger:thefinger


USA has by far the greatest amount of civil casualties caused by firearms in the world
Yea, and when I was in 7th & 8th grade and I brought home a "C" grade to my parents' dismay, my appeal was always " Well, Randy, John, Mark or whoever, got a "D". :jester:
I have explained where my thought came from. However, there are a few facts which speak up to those stereotypes. USA has by far the greatest amount of civil casualties caused by firearms in the world (not counting the countries which have war on their land). I do not wish to imply that this means every one there is walking around with an M16 and has a gatling mounted strategically on their yard. I only said that taking into account some statistics, this news were not surprising to me. Moreover, such bloodbaths happen in the USA quite regularly.

But there is also a big difference with your figurative answer regarding Switzerland. What you have given was a sterotype based on their history and culture, which is particular for them. I sincerely hope that this does not imply (from your side) that the case is the same in Alabama regarding guns.

Hey dumbass - you're thoughts are based on RECORDED STATISTICS? SO I guess in Afghanistan, Darfur, Burma, and their "Turd world" counterparts also EQUALLY report their violence statistics...RIGHT?

Care to come up with ANOTHER EQUALLY "S.W.A.G." = that would be another wonderfully formulated Scientifically WILD ASS Guess! :thefinger

Your disclaimer about how you don't want to imply that everyone is walking around with an M16 is hilarious. What about countries where children are armed with AK47s? Casualty reporting in those countries compared with the United States...keep the bull shit coming because you really aren't making a valid point. :thumbsup:
I'm sure we're all very proud our country has less gun related violence than many third world nations, including those that are theaters of war and/or genocide. Of course, that's setting the barometer extremely low, but whatever it takes.... :)
I'm sure we're all very proud our country has less gun related violence than many third world nations, including those that are theaters of war and/or genocide. Of course, that's setting the barometer extremely low, but whatever it takes.... :)

Of course the main reasons violence takes place in most of them is the same as why it takes place here. It has a lot more to do with economic conditions than the availability of arms. If you take out the US's gangbanger on gangbanger or drug warfare violence we have a rate that is pretty close to what Europe has. Taking away guns to try and prevent that would be like trying to fix cancer with a band-aid while taking away people's liberty while your at it. In both places people just need to be taken better care of, and given legitimate hope so they never feel the need to resort to violence in the first place. That to me is a tremendously better way that will work. It’s just inconvenient and will take time and money people don’t want to give up.
Of course the main reasons violence takes place in most of them is the same as why it takes place here. It has a lot more to do with economic conditions than the availability of arms. If you take out the US's gangbanger on gangbanger or drug warfare violence we have a rate that is pretty close to what Europe has. Taking away guns to try and prevent that would be like trying to fix cancer with a band-aid while taking away people's liberty while your at it. In both places people just need to be taken better care of, and given legitimate hope so they never feel the need to resort to violence in the first place. That to me is a tremendously better way that will work. It’s just inconvenient and will take time and money people don’t want to give up.

AMEN! :thumbsup:
I firmly believe that assault rifles should NOT be banned, either. Yeah, there are reasons to ban them, but I still believe a "well regulated militia" has a very crucial meaning.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I firmly believe that assault rifles should NOT be banned, either. Yeah, there are reasons to ban them, but I still believe a "well regulated militia" has a very crucial meaning.

This is the only point I disagree with. Perhaps I can change your mind....

#1) the term "assault rifle", is one that was coined by the gun grabbers to put the public in a panic, when describing a weapon that admittedly looks more menacing then your average rifle, but is simply a semi auto rifle. Much like the M1 Garand, or M14, or even a couple of Remington, or Ruger hunting rifles.

#2) Something like 1% or 2% of all gun crimes, and violence is committed by assault rifles. Criminals don't want to carry a big heavy rifle, they want an easily concealable handgun.

#3) When guns of this type are used, they more often then not, are obtained illegally, as are most guns used in crimes. They are more often then not converted to fully auto, which is a serious crime in of itself, and just goes to show my final point.

#4) Crimes are committed by criminals, the only people that laws effect, are the law abiding. The law abiding gun owner is a responsible individual, and takes that responsibility seriously, if he doesn't, and is action result in a crime, he should be held accountable on some level. If he is the victim of a crime, and his firearms are stolen, it's no different then if someone were to steal his car, and run someone down in the course of being chased, or running from police.