Al Gore comes from a wealthy tobacco family. He served in the United States Military. He lost a sister to lung cancer.
If he bought a tincan piece of shit double wide would that get a thread started about him?
The jealousy expressed toward him is nauseating. You can all "talk tough" and huff and puff but this purchase is nothing out of the ordinary for someone as wealthy as he is. It's nothing like what Republican CEOs buy and Republican Politicians buy.
Should we ask Al Gore how many houses he has? I seem to remember John McCain had trouble answering that question.
It's hilarious that conservatives are the new POOR PEOPLE in this country, screaming and raging about "what the other guy has"....:rofl:
Get a job conservatives and maybe someday you'll be able to buy a home like this one. Hilarious!
There is a BIG difference between a hard working capitalist and a limousine liberal. Conservatives have no problem with a hard working capitalist enjoying the fruits of his labor. We have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's what America is all about.
We have a problem when a hypocritical limousine liberal like Algore spends his days preaching to us that we are horrible people unless we cut back on our lifestyles in the name of saving the world, all while he is spending and living far more lavishly than any of us. It's not about being jealous. It's about guys like Algore walking the talk. We tend to lose respect for someone who says "do as I say, not as I do."
By the way, if more lazy, deadbeat Dads and babymamas would quit sucking off the teat of the welfare system, maybe a lot more conservatives would be able to get the house they want a lot sooner. If everyone would carry their own weight, our economy would be in a lot better shape.
Not exactly the same, as Limbaugh has talked repeatedly about how evil it is to have such wealth, such a house, and such excess. Not Gore's message.
Comparing Gore to Limbaugh is like comparing a twat to an anus. Both have bad aspects. Both have good aspects. But don't criticize for calling them different.
You are completely off base on this. Rush Limbaugh is a staunch defender of the American system of free enterprise. He applauds people who work hard and succeed.
If you really believe Limbaugh says having wealth is evil, you must not be listening too closely, and more likely, not listening at all.
When he bashes people for lavish living, it is when the person in question is a hypocritical, limousine liberal like Algore.
There is a BIG difference.