Not sure what you take as insults but your skin must be as thin as membrane...
I may make my points in frank terms but I haven't insulted you...but..believe what you will...
You're getting more and more like 'dents 1 everyday in that you freely allow facts to roll off of you like water off a duck's back. Now...comparing you to the 'dent might be considered bashing or insulting ..but knowing'd perceive it as a compliment....enjoy either way...
You seem stuck in the rut of believe challenging a supposition or refuting a claim that happens to be from the other side is disparagingly bias. Well, of course virtually any challenge to overt bias is going to come of as bias to someone who merely disagrees....but are you positive you're not just a negative?
You just can't handle people who don't agree with your dogma.
Lol...thin skin? No. You have insulted me (unless you just have no clue what is insulting), but it doesn't bother me. It means you have to resort to it.