Wow. Now the polar ice caps will stop melting and actualy start to grow!!
The only hoax here is Climategate. It is being manufactured by people who never read discussions by researchers and do not understand the research. Put them in the same bucket as the Birthers and the Teabagers.
Man-made global warming is and always will be a hoax. Probably the greatest hoax of all time.
But forget about mankind's impact for a minute. The science community can't even agree on how to measure it or if we are seeing warming trends at all. But, in recent years, scientists not agreeing with it have been ostracized for even disagreeing. This is not science. It is political and financial posturing.
We are very egotistical in our view of our world. How long have civilized humans even been around? 20,000 years at most? Now compare that with the years life has been around. If Bill Gates lost a penny, that penny would be a similar percentage of his wealth when compared to how long we have been around compared to the age of the world. We're specks in the history of Earth. And now we want to claim that the last 50 years represents a problem? Of course, nobody wants to explain the cooling trend of the last 10 years.
In fact, global warming was so fraudulent that the scientists and pliticians had to change the name from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because they realized there is no warming trend of any significance. They even went so far as to blame hurricanes on those who did not support or do anything about "Climate Change". Then how do they explain the last 2 years of calm hurricane seasons? They can't. They are "baffled" that the oceans are showing a cooling trend for the last 11 years. They don't want to explain that though.
I'm not saying we don't owe it to each other to be environmentally responsible. If I use my property as a chemical dumping ground, it could severely impact those in my community. But its not going to change the climate of the world, my country, my state, or my street.