Ah Shit!

Aaaww, you poor soul. ;)
Well, like one of my professors once said: "Only three things are certain on this earth: death, taxes and data loss." That's why you cheat death, hire a tax accountant and back up data. Lesson learned. :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Shucks, when you collect 221 gb of porn the porn business sends you a girlfriend. Oh well.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
220 GB, are you serious? That's not a collection, that's an addiction. That's like six weeks worth of porn. Who needs that much?


Shucks, when you collect 221 gb of porn the porn business sends you a girlfriend. Oh well.

Well I should have about 25 girlfriends , do you have a number I can call and claim them?

In fact forget it , ear-ache from one is bad enough never mind another 25 to gang up on me , but at least one of them would have to be in the mood , they cant all feel too tired



Member, you member...
Mu last comp died with maybe 20 gigs.
My newer one now has maybe 5. Maybe.

Take it out and shoot it!
Backup, backup, and backup...I take porn collection very serious. Though seriously that is a bummer, but its more about the hunt then it is the kill,

is it?

shit I'd better go back up now that I think of it


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
That sucks,; you better get downloading.
My condolences to you.:angels:

There are of course several stages of 'porn-loss' grief that you will go through at this time.

Stage 1: Swearing.
You will swear very loudly, for an average of 16m 37sec..
During this time, every swear word in the English dictionary will be uttered at least 14 times and several new swear words will come into existence.

Stage 2: Physical violence
You will feel the desire to kick several objects.
These can vary from doors/walls down to the computer itself, or your pet dog (should it be unfortunate enough to be around)
You will kick at least one heavy or inanimate object, causing pain to your big toe, thus requiring 2m 12sec more swearing.

Stage 3: Coping with the loss.
Several minutes, or indeed hours will elapse, during which, the magnitude of your loss will dawn on you.
Specific sets of photos and HC movies will spring to mind, as being seemingly lost forever.
You wish to share the pain with a loved one.. but as they are strictly 'anti-porn' your fucked.. and alone.

Stage 4: The 'Wait-a-minute!' moment
Otherwise known as the 'moment of false hope'
This is the moment when you kid yourself that maybe your porn collection has mysteriously backed itself up onto some blank dvds that you have.
You will vaguely recall backing up 'some' of your collection several months ago, because you were doing a reinstall..
Much frantic searching of discs reveals nothing more than some pictures of your garden/pets/night out on the piss.. because they 'were' important:dunno:

Stage 5: Final realisation.
The gut-wrenching moment when you know for sure that your porn has gone, gone, gone..
You will slowly start to put together a plan to replace the collection.
Sites to visit, friends who might have the odd set to spare and joining up to multiple membership sites, all suddenly become bright ideas.

Stage 6: Begging
You start the begging process.. the hope that someone 'just happens' to have all the exact same pics and vids that you did, is high, but dammit, it's worth a try..