Agnostics and atheists, do you celebrate Christmas?

Nope, its named after Eoster, at least that's what a lot of researchers think.

Like I said, its convoluted.

That word was in place to denote the month centuries before Easter Pesakh was practiced in that part of Europe. It's known as easter in the English language because it always occurred in the month of April but in almost all other European languages it's a derivative of Pesakh/Passover.

So the Goddess and the Christian holiday are not related, not even in the sense of the word except in English language and a few German languages.
Well, I'm agnostic, but you can consider me an atheist in regard to an conceptual "god" model" I don't believe in afterlives or a cosmic purpose. But, given that, I still love Christmas. I grew up with an agnostic father and a secular Catholic mother. Christmas has never been about Jesus despite the name.

Christmas is an awesome way to combat the effects of winter; less sunlight, colder temperatures, death of crops and livestock. To be honest, Jesus really has little to do with the solstice traditions any more, just like 1000 years ago. So, as long as we all realize what it is, it's quite fun. Though I will give credit where it's due; many Christian Christmas songs are wonderful as well. Again, it's all about realization.


...currently wanking!
Especially if you don't have much going for you in life or you aren't a naturally jolly person. This can often make xmas and the new year an ordeal at best

Well I don't like anything associated with religion plus Xmas is about consuming like Valentine's Day.