Age Racism


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
[B][URL=" said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7562942, member: 579739"]I am not after flattery, I am after what's right and what's fair, and this topic isn't about flattery in any sense. My post was a contribution to this subject offering a new perspective, which is evidently something someone your age isn't capable of comprehending.

Ah-ah!! :nono:

C'mon Harley....please don't stoop to making generalized prejudicial remarks! It makes you every bit as much of a bigot as he is. I'll be 60 years old this year. You lumping me into that category??

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Ah-ah!! :nono:

C'mon Harley....please don't stoop to making generalized prejudicial remarks! It makes you every bit as much of a bigot as he is. I'll be 60 years old this year. You lumping me into that category??

You are right. That was a stupid way for me to word what I was trying to say. Perhaps I should re-word it the same but taking out the "someone your age" part, and just leaving it at "you." I was trying to make my point without directly insulting him, but I guess my way around it wasn't that great either, eh?

In any case, my apologies. I'm not one to discriminate against particular age groups, I prefer to look at individuals themselves and judge them by their character, not their skin color, age, weight, sexual orientation, or ethnic background.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I'm not one to discriminate against particular age groups, I prefer to look at individuals themselves and judge them by their character, not their skin color, age, weight, sexual orientation, or ethnic background.

I know you do. Don't let others make you angry enough to forget your principles. It can be hard to do, that's for sure.


Was King of the Board for a Day
:1orglaugh Pretty comical stuff.

Let me get this straight.....assari starts a post accusing young people of engaging in "age racism" and then proceeds to make prejudicial, stereotypical and bigoted statements about them, others (myself included) disagree with him so he and his buddy Will call them "intolerant".

Typical twisted cupcake logic with a weak Finnish. :D

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jagger69 again.

Damn, a perfect calembour and I can't show my appreciation.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You absolutely can not judge a person's intellectual judgement, intelligence, or opinions based on their age. That's being stupid.

Dear sister, I do not want to belittle your experience, but you are very young and you are just starting your career and you do not know what all is yet to come.

Then you will know a lot more.

Well, Assari, I'm older than you. So that must mean (by your own logic) that I am wiser than you. And I'm telling you that she is correct: you cannot judge wisdom simply by looking at age. That is being stupid.

And until the day we die, none of us knows "what all is yet to come." Harley can learn from what's to come and what's passed. But so can you. So can I. So can we all. Trust me on this one: there is not some magical age where everything becomes clear and you'll know it all.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jagger69 again.

Damn, a perfect calembour and I can't show my appreciation.

No worries. I got you covered. :hatsoff:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I thought before I wrote that and I do not change my opinion.

But if Harley wants only flattering feedback then it is a different story.

Well, you didn't think before you wrote the above statement. The day before I made the same observation about ApolloBalboa having his act together. Maybe you should come back in 10 years and see how your opinion changes.

You can quit posting that already Will. I already told you, I'm not gonna feed you my meat, it's going right up your poop chute, just the way you like it! And if you're a good boy I'll even spit on it first! :love-smi:

I have learned hear that the Liberals do not want to hear dissentig opinions.

If i agree with them then it is ok, if I disagree with them then I'm a troll and an idiot.

So from now on I ask permisson if I can say what I really think.

Wait, wait, wait... "liberals" don't want to hear dissenting opinions? You're the guy who's come in here to talk about how you can barely tolerate talking to young people (who you've done nothing but malign here) because you can't stand to hear their points of view. Or did you forget your topic statement...?

What do you think when some naive young person (-20+) try to impose his/her views on you?

I can talk with them if I have to, but just because it is impolite to be silent.

And that is the only reason.

And all the while you've been trying to shove your ignorance down everyone else's throats. You talk about others not accepting your opinion? Really? About younger people not seeing greys? Yet all the while you're dismissing younger people out of hand without even stopping to consider what they offer. That's an unhealthy mix of intolerance, ignorance, stupidity and good old fashioned hypocrisy.

And that's just it, what most "liberals" don't tolerate is intolerance, ignorance and hypocrisy.
Back to the topic.

When I was younger I thought that it is good to listen to the opinions of others.

Now when I'm older and wiser I have learned to see when they should not pay attention and this is the kind of moment when I do that.
What I took from D-rock's information about Bible-era slavery was "many things were much different about life in the era in which the Bible was written."

Which reinforces why I believe it's nonsense for anybody to try and live according to what that book says in the 21st Century. :thumbsup:


Was King of the Board for a Day
Age racism?0 I just hate foreigners and jews in general. I don't care what age they are.

It's just as well. As a foreigner and a Jew, I hate the Germans in general, I don't care what age they are.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Back to the topic.

When I was younger I thought that it is good to listen to the opinions of others.

Now when I'm older and wiser I have learned to see when they should not pay attention and this is the kind of moment when I do that.

We've been on topic. We totally get it that you don't wish to know what other people (age, evidently, has nothing to do with your bias) have to say since you are so much "older and wiser" than so many others on this forum. How wonderful it must be to be as enlightened as you are!! Furthermore, how ironic it is that you expect all of us to listen in rapt attention to what you have to say when you steadfastly refuse to reciprocate. Well, like I always say, the best way to keep on growing as an individual is to close your mind to any new ideas. God forbid You Might learn something. Looks like you have successfully avoided that. Congratulations! :rolleyes:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
This fucktard starts bullshit threads; reads the thoughtful, reasoned responses; and ignores them. Fuck him, fuck his opinions and I can't stress this enough:

print screen windows


Approved Content Owner
Let's see, my youngest close friend is 19 and my oldest close friend in in her late 70's and to be honest, both of them add valuable perspective to my life.

That said, the 19 year old is a hella lot more fun in bed and all the wisdom in the world can't make up for her enthusiasm...

Now, if only the 19-year-old could take her teeth out............
We totally get it that you don't wish to know what other people (age, evidently, has nothing to do with your bias) have to say since you are so much "older and wiser" than so many others on this forum. How wonderful it must be to be as enlightened as you are!! Furthermore, how ironic it is that you expect all of us to listen in rapt attention to what you have to say when you steadfastly refuse to reciprocate.

I meant that this discussion is mostly a controversy.

I can discuss with you, but only after you have calmed down.

Let's see, my youngest close friend is 19 and my oldest close friend in in her late 70's and to be honest, both of them add valuable perspective to my life.

That said, the 19 year old is a hella lot more fun in bed and all the wisdom in the world can't make up for her enthusiasm...

Now, if only the 19-year-old could take her teeth out............

A man like you needs two women.

One whom you have sex with and one whom you live with.
What do you think when some naive young person (-20+) try to impose his/her views on you?

I can talk with them if I have to, but just because it is impolite to be silent.

And that is the only reason.
It's not impolite to be silent. In my many years, I've rarely regretted keeping my thoughts to myself.