As someone that rides a Harley, and drives a gas guzzling Chevy pick up...I see no reason to NOT use the term "rice burner"...even though my wife is on her second Honda Accord, and honestly, this one is a sporty little car. It's a inanimate object, and not a reference to a person. The car, or bike, can't feel bad for being called sites call them "metric" bikes.
Considering the extreme quality that goes into German vehicles, it would be unrealistic to refer to them in a derogatory manner.
As far as the Jags, and their brakes. Who uses brakes?!?!

American vehicles were made to go straight, and very fast. We were into drag racing, the Europeans were into the road racing. We didn't to stop quick, take a corner, and accelerate again, we just needed to hammer the throttle, and make it to the next street light, without the cops catching us. Plus, drums are better for heavy weight, that's why trucks still use them. American cars always have been heavy, compared to most other countries products.