After 12 yrs together, I finally got the last hole

Yup, 9 yrs of marriage and 3 yrs of crazy sex dating, and I finally filled the last hole.

Wife was giving me a blow job, and didn't want a mouthful of cum after mexican, so she turned her head just as I came so it finally happened.

I got a good first shot straight into her right ear.

LOL, never realized that that was the one hole left on her that I had yet to fill.
I did that side our first month together totally by accident as well.
Hell, I think I had every hole save the right ear within a week of dating.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What about the eye socket?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
While we're discussing irrelevant topics, I bought a Jozy Altidore World Cup jersey on eBay today. There's probably a good chance it's counterfeit, but if it looks real, what the fuck do I care?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
While we're discussing irrelevant topics, I bought a Jozy Altidore World Cup jersey on eBay today. There's probably a good chance it's counterfeit, but if it looks real, what the fuck do I care?

You know I feel the same way about my Winnipeg Jets jersey I ordered off of Amazon last night...are we feeling a vibe or what :glugglug:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You know I feel the same way about my Winnipeg Jets jersey I ordered off of Amazon last night...are we feeling a vibe or what :glugglug:

Yep :lovecoupl, but I'd trust Amazon over eBay. Mine ships from Taiwan and should be here within two weeks. It looked legitimate in the pictures, but who knows what they're sending me... :dunno:


Lord Dipstick
18th? :dunno:
For the love of all that is good, please tell me that she doesn't have a trach tube or something.:rolleyes:
While we're discussing irrelevant topics, I bought a Jozy Altidore World Cup jersey on eBay today. There's probably a good chance it's counterfeit, but if it looks real, what the fuck do I care?

Better hope nobody knows who he is or no US Soccer fan/Sam's Army can read...

My taiwanese hookup sent me a Clint Dempsey jersey spelled KlinT Dampzeh :rolleyes: