After 12 yrs together, I finally got the last hole

Now all you need is a knife, a hammer and maybe a chisel and you can create your very own brand new holes to fill.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Yup, 9 yrs of marriage and 3 yrs of crazy sex dating, and I finally filled the last hole.

Wife was giving me a blow job, and didn't want a mouthful of cum after mexican, so she turned her head just as I came so it finally happened.

I got a good first shot straight into her right ear.

LOL, never realized that that was the one hole left on her that I had yet to fill.

what about the left ear??

Ha she caught you there :rofl:

Go for the other ear, please, but I guess your g/f will watch out now :1orglaugh
I once had impacted cerumen (that's a medical term for "earwax" not to be confused with semen) in my left ear for getting a Q-tip way in there and I had to go to the doctor to get rid of it, did she have to do to the doctor to get rid of her impacted semen? :D


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
There's an additional hole, it's behind the knee, it's secret. Shhh... don't tell anyone.