African albinos in hiding

Will E Worm

10,000 E. African albinos in hiding after killings

The mistaken belief that albino body parts have magical powers has driven thousands of Africa's albinos into hiding, fearful of losing their lives and limbs to unscrupulous dealers who can make up to $75,000 selling a complete dismembered set.

Mary Owido, who lacks pigment that gives color to skin, eyes and hair, says she is only comfortable when at work or at home with her husband and children.

"Wherever I go people start talking about me, saying that my legs and hands can fetch a fortune in Tanzania," said Owido, 36, a mother of six. "This kind of talk scares me. I am afraid of going out alone."

Since 2007, 44 albinos have been killed in Tanzania and 14 others have been slain in Burundi, sparking widespread fear among albinos in East Africa.


"Albino body parts have magical powers."

Really? Maybe, if you practice witchcraft. I mean voodoo.
Same thing. ;)


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
That is horrifying. How can they actually think the albino body parts have a magical quality? It is amazing witch Dr's still exist. Holy shit are they nuts.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
It's 2010 and we are still dealing with this type of mindset. Of course, this is silly. Not like eating shark fin soup will make you a better sex partner or taking pills with shark cartilage will help ward off cancer.


Hiliary 2020
No more ridiculous than believing in a man who can walk on water, raise the dead & turn water into wine. . .
& no more dangerous!!! :mad:

huh, yeah its true how could jesus have done those things? and yes millions have been killed in the name of all religions.
but..........its got little to do with cutting a kids throat open, flaying him, gutting him and removing all his organs. basically murdering and processing a human.
they are primitive, inferior people.


Hiliary 2020
I'm gonna start saying what i feel more often here because I'm sick of punks calling people names like little fucking faggots behind the safety of their computer.
Jerkoff you came in this thread and compared murder of innocent people mostly kids to christanity.
so its cool to insult chistians right? you got no problem with that.
so i call people who kill children for their body parts inferior and primitive but that bothers you? Get your priorities in order.
your the racist because automatically youre thinking about race, I was talking about murderers, but pussy like you love to use that word, makes you feel some kind of sense of self worth or something.
get your head out of your ass and stop thinking everythings racist.
One more thing pussy, would you call me a racist twat face to face? Cause if you did trust me I wouldn't think twice about what I'd do.

Will E Worm

I'm gonna start saying what i feel more often here because I'm sick of punks calling people names like little fucking faggots behind the safety of their computer.
Jerkoff you came in this thread and compared murder of innocent people mostly kids to christanity.
so its cool to insult chistians right? you got no problem with that.

so i call people who kill children for their body parts inferior and primitive but that bothers you? Get your priorities in order.
your the racist because automatically youre thinking about race, I was talking about murderers, but pussy like you love to use that word, makes you feel some kind of sense of self worth or something.
One more thing pussy, would you call me a racist twat face to face? Cause if you did trust me I wouldn't think twice about what I'd do.

Yeah. :hatsoff:

When's the last time a Christian strapped on a bomb or killed someone for their "magical" body parts?

That's okay, I know people don't truly hate the Christians, they hate Jesus Christ. ;)


Hiliary 2020
its not even that,
Its the mass mentality in the US today that you cant say shit about anybody who's non white christian without getting called racist.
Its a twisted mentality and its really affecting the country in negative ways because everyones afraid to speak!
Perfect example Fort Hood.
I dont know where this crap came from but its got to stop.
No ones gonna tell me what I can or cant think or say, but its people who actually twist words and go out of their way to just use the word racist that make me sick
It fucking up the country big time and it gets worse everyday.