Afghanistan, October, 2009

Over the past month in Afghanistan it became clear that a Presidential runoff vote between President Hamid Karzai and challenger Abdullah Abdullah would need to take place. The Obama administration continued to deliberate on whether to commit further troops to the conflict, and at least 46 U.S. service members were killed, including 14 in two separate helicopter crashes today. A recent U.N. report recorded 1,500 Afghan civilian deaths in the first six months of 2009 alone, describing this as the deadliest year for civilians in Afghanistan since the start of the U.S.-led war against Taliban eight years ago. Collected here are some images of the country and conflict over the past month, part of an ongoing monthly series on Afghanistan. (43 photos total)
Yes the deadliest month for americans yet in this war.We need to get the heck out of there ASAP.8 years is enough.


How about the 55 American lives that were lost?

How about the fact that NATO has urged Obama to send more troops and said they would support such efforts but yet he will wait till after the election. I have served with the NATO force in Kosovo..

Obama will not pull out of Afghanistan, he will look like a fool to the world.


Postal Paranoiac
I fault no U.S. leader...not even Dubya. These psychotic religious zealot assholes attacked us first on 9/11. Now it's payback. I only wish America had a button that, when pressed, would eliminate all Islamic radicals at once.
I fault no U.S. leader...not even Dubya. These psychotic religious zealot assholes attacked us first on 9/11. Now it's payback. I only wish America had a button that, when pressed, would eliminate all Islamic radicals at once.

The terrorist assholes been doing shit for over 30 years on an international scale.

We been attacked countless times under Clinton and all he did was shoot off two rockets. February 1993 the WTC bombing. Two US Embassies bombed in Africa. USS Cole bombing. A attack on our "ally" Saudi Arabia, Khobar Towers, trying to scare Saudi Arabia from being allied with us.

Not to mention all the suicide bombings, terrorist attacks, and countless murders in the name of their warped views.

After 9/11 we finally brought the war to them! Bush did something Clinton did not have the balls to do, fight a war. It's just too bad the politicians are running the war instead of letting our military, who train for war, do it and stay the hell out of it. Just fund the military and let them do it. Politicians will be less stressed out and be able to bang their mistresses without worry of public outcry of where the war is going. Because it would have already been over with by now!

We have yet to be attacked since we been attacked that last time. Bush was underestimated, and why not? They been getting away with attacking us for the past 8 years under one President!