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A Stern Warning To The West

It's like a :partysml:

Another kick-ass thread about the end of the USA...

But hey, it gives all those people who always wear black, and run around spouting really cool shit like "Hail Satan" something to rejoice in while they sit in the comfort of their American home, drinking American Soda amidst their vast collections of toys that are not made for kids, porn, and listening to songs by dudes whose lyrical style has merely become the use of the word "Fuck".

Rock on! I can't wait for the slow down to end, and then things start to go back up, even if it takes another five years. Ebb and flow, the way of the American economy.

The issue I brought up is what did 7 Administrations in Washington did to this problem.

After the 1973 oil embargo, we enjoyed an economic boom with cheap oil less than 20 bucks a barrel of oil (a barrel of oil is equal to 42 gallons, but crude oil normally can get only around 18.5 gallon of gasoline after refinery), our Government never make any concrete solution to the shortage of oil and we are squeezed.

What did Congress do ? Congress passed the law to limit highway speed limit to 70 mph, requires Detroit to meet a 35 mpg cars by certain milestones and also create a national oil reserve.

However, the Brazilian central Government made drastic change and "INTEND" not to import 1 drop of oil into Brazil by making E100, and E25 gasohol and cars that runs on 100% sugar-cane ethanol or 24% sugar-cane ethanol-76% gasoline (called gasohol) since 1973 oil embargo.

Anyone in this thread has no clue 1/6 American works in automobile-related industry. Also it is not the gasoline that hit 4 bucks a gallon but the diesel fuel is hitting the ceiling. As someone who also works in the transportation industry, it is "killing" everyone.

The price of crude oil is somewhere around and below US $140.00 a barrel. but expect to reach beyond $150.00 a barrel in July and surpass $200.00 in less than 3-6 months.

There will be massive layoff, cutback of factory expansion, much higher food price and results in more violence and crime rate.

Other western countries uses much smaller efficient cars, less SUV and used to higher gas price, but America is the third largest country and most of us drive to work, drive to see a movie, drive to the mall and drive to have fun!

The good time is over, there will never be another 20 dollars a barrel of oil on free market but 200 dollars a barrel of oil is on the horizon.

United States will look closer to Canada and Mexico as trading partners instead of China because the Chinese goods and all other goods will certainly increase at least 9-11% due to increase in cost of transportation.

Tourism will be hit so hard and the first one to crash as proof of merger of Northwest and Delta airlines.

Because only 1 person in this thread is trucker (driver), it used to cost $200 to fill up the gas tank, now it is around $400-$500 dollars to fill up the truck tank.

Brazilian model started in 1973 and is not perfect and suffered setback in early 1990's when the price oil is so cheap (around 20 bucks a barrel), but what is our national policy on oil. The recent inquiry of all the major oil companies CEO rsulted in nothing.

Just like the tobacco class-action lawsuits, the money was pocketed by the lawyers representing the states. Congress wants to file a multi-billions dollars lawsuit against the oil companies but I don't think it will solve the crisis we are facing now.

Honda is coming up with a new hydrid next year and claim to be only $1,800 more than a Honda Civic. We just have to wait and see.

The invasion of Iraq did not bring us cheap oil but chaos and more high prices.

It is the lack of determination of the Government, and Congress to handle this crisis, then we must change our behaviour to conserve energy and cut consumption to fight back the oil companies thieves !

Our company has many hydrid vehicles and order another 200 hydrid vehicles, has 1 electric car and also 1 hydrogen vehicle (made by Ford) but electric and hydrogen vehicles are beyond reach of American middle class !

I will close now because in 3 months the price of food and everything will hit the ceiling and don't blame anyone but ourselves of huge consumption of gasoline and diesel oil.
I find it amusing that when things get a little bit tough there are so many people who think it is the end of life as they know it.

What the fuck would these people have done if they were faced with really tough times like during the great depression?

I mean they want to just give up right now. What would they have done back then; kill themselves?

I'm glad these people didn't have to face the nazis and Japanese empire. We would be speaking a combination of German and Japanese.
Very good point Dean Wormer.Many people are soft and weak and give up almost immediately.You are right that the United States would never have survived if generations past had been cry babies and quitters like many are today.
I agree with that too. but the comment about us speaking a combination of Japaneses and German is pretty stupid. Those two languages really aren't very similar, and trying to combine then would be a very tedious and ultimately pointless and ineffectual exorcise in linguistics, on account that it would vastly dilute the nuances of each and not improve communication at all.

If for some reason the axis did win world war two, then they would just turn against each other anyway. Hitler's aim was to propagate the "master race" all over the world, he's not the kinda cat that would be harmonious with Asians once his original European aims were met.
Most people in this country seem totally apathetic, as long as they've got their SUV, their central air and their swimming pool.

Funny, I don't know many people with SUVs, central air and/or swimming pools.

Maybe I should hang out in Glen Ridge and Upper Montclair more often.
I agree with that too. but the comment about us speaking a combination of Japaneses and German is pretty stupid. Those two languages really aren't very similar, and trying to combine then would be a very tedious and ultimately pointless and ineffectual exorcise in linguistics, on account that it would vastly dilute the nuances of each and not improve communication at all.

If for some reason the axis did win world war two, then they would just turn against each other anyway. Hitler's aim was to propagate the "master race" all over the world, he's not the kinda cat that would be harmonious with Asians once his original European aims were met.

Actually it would have been Japanese speaking west of the Rockies and German east of the Rockies. Not a hybrid "Japmen".
I presented the fact in a very humble manner but I guess no one in this thread understands how many gallons of diesel to fill up a tractor-trailor and how much it costs to fill up a tractor-trailor?

It takes 220 gallons to fill up a tractor-trailor and more than $1,400.00 or higher now to fill the tank full.


I hope everyone in this thread knows the fact is it will cost more and more to fill up a tractor-trailor and it is approaching $2,000.00 soon to fill up a big rig tanker !

It is $1,400.00 now and will be up $1,800.00 to $2,000.00 soon to fill up a tractor-trailor ! :eek:


Staff member
yes and do you think a suv, pool or a big house means that you have a good life and having good moments with your friends? Money doesn't buy you happiness. I don't own a SUV but I have formidable friends, formidable parents and a good job and that is better than being rich with no friends and bitter.
fuck green
you think puny humans can change the earth
earth shakes off puny humans like a bad case of fleas
fuck green
you think puny humans can change the earth
earth shakes off puny humans like a bad case of fleas

Humans have long history of being able to effect the earth.Just one example I would give is the dust bowls in the midwest of the 1930's in the US through overuse of the land.But never before like we see today have we had such an impact.But then again there have never been 6.8 billion humans before.The effects of that many people people are undeniable on the enviorment.What progress we can now effect the enviorment on a planetary scale !:eek:
So while I don't think just going green is really going to solve much as that many even living with less impact on the enviorment is still unsustainable something is going to have to give.It will have to be a combination of using less resources and being cleaner(going green) and less people for it ever to be sustainable again.


The single greatest threat we have, IMO, is that American born technology is both outsourced to cheaper working countries as well as for sale on the "global market" to the highest bidder.
Drive through Sunnyvale - Palo Alto - Menlo Park - Santa Clara - Milpitas - Fremont and San Jose , California - the industrial / technology parks are ghost towns with huge warehouses, office space and parking lots, now vacant !
Roughly 75 % of the high tech firms that used to make their home in Calif. are now operating in other nations, mainly China and India. Cassified technology is no longer my friend ! We're all in great danger as a result of that, you can be sure! Take GE for example with their recent dealings with China and Iran, to name a few, and we're not talking light bulbs either.
A Double edged sword - 1) A loss of meaningful lucrative employment (It's no wonder why -> the abundance of home foreclosures) • 2) A loss to our natl' security. :thefinger

There is no longer a ''corporate allegiance'' to America. CEOs will whore out to anybody now.

Those who whole heartedly believe things (the economy) will return to "normal" . . . and things will be hunky dory again . . . I have news . . . :nono:
also you can't argue with species extinction. Of course species extinction is natural, but it can also and has/is caused by humans. In fact today is the largest period in history for species extinction that is NOT coupled with drastic changes in the earth (i'm not factoring in global warming into this scenario), and that is no doubt caused by human impact.

I'd like to believe that the earth is resiliant enough to handle anything that humanity can throw at it, but I have my doubts. Has nature every before experienced anything like an atomic explosion? We have the power to destroy all life on the planet and a sizable ammount of terrain and eradiate the total environment for thousands or even millions of years, Could the earth recover from that to what it once was? I don't know...


Some here just won't be satisfied 'til we're collectively reduced to eight hundred squares (feet - living quarters), $20 K annual salary (maximum) and a bus ticket. :nono: