A Question For Conservative Members

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No one except BC has come close to answering my original question. I was trying to get a handle on how many of you would be willing to sacrifice our economy for another year if it meant getting rid of Obama. It's obviously not working. Sorry I posted this thread....there are plenty of other "your side sucks" threads already so this one is redundant. Mods: As the OP, I request that this thread be closed. Thanks.

On a political board where I used to post quite a bit, more than a few of the "conservatives" proclaimed that America was dead after Obama was elected. I suspect, here, that few of those who refer to themselves as Republicans or conservatives want to spell it out or admit how they really feel. But support of a "scorched earth" strategy (especially on the far social right) are more apparent than many of these folks probably want to admit.
I think what was failed to answer was HOW do you 'fix' the economy?
You can get rid of Obama and everyone would likely be on board if there was a serious alternative besides a name change. I believe the OP invited the "your side sucks" type responses with the throw-away dismissals of the current administration without qualifying policies that "weren't working" (why?)

No matter WHO is in the office, WHAT is the solution? (the follow up question would be why aren't we executing that solution)?

Part of the solution we should've been attacking in 2008


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I think what was failed to answer was HOW do you 'fix' the economy?
You can get rid of Obama and everyone would likely be on board if there was a serious alternative besides a name change. I believe the OP invited the "your side sucks" type responses with the throw-away dismissals of the current administration without qualifying policies that "weren't working" (why?)

I never asked for opinions on how to fix the economy. In fact, I went to some length to attempt to keep things civil and asked for respondents to simply provide an answer to the question that I posed. If that is being deemed as provocative by some, please accept my apology because that was not the intent.

Again, I ask that this thread be closed.


Hiliary 2020
No one except BC has come close to answering my original question. I was trying to get a handle on how many of you would be willing to sacrifice our economy for another year if it meant getting rid of Obama. It's obviously not working. Sorry I posted this thread....there are plenty of other "your side sucks" threads already so this one is redundant. Mods: As the OP, I request that this thread be closed. Thanks.
I thought I answered your question Jag.
But now that you put it like you just did.....my direct answer is no. I wouldn't , it needs to start getting better now.

But your question is not realistic.
The economy is screwed not only until he's out of office but for a few years after that.....a recovery period.
He ain't gonna do nothing but try to make it worse until he gets voted out. And if he doesn't get voted out then it's not only screwed it's gonna be so messed up it will take a very long time to recover, if ever.
People and businesses are afraid to spend/invest until he's gone. creditors are afraid to give credit until he's gone.
It's really as simple as that.

I'll also add that he has several things that may get him re-elected.
1- He is black and reality is that many blacks will vote for him again just for that fact alone.
2- The GOV has created a big portion of the population that make a living making babies and getting paid for it....the welfare folks.
Well, seems it's them and the very rich that are about the only ones not feeling the pain of this economy....so they will vote for him.
3- The mainstream media which backs, defends and promotes him left and right regardless.......theyre influence is enormous, and we all know who they are.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I think I took a grand total of three sociology classes when I was in school. They tended to be pretty easy credits, you could attend class with a massive hangover and there were usually more than a few hot, wide-eyed girls in them. I don't think I learned very much. But one thing I did learn (that I think is accurate) is that those in power will tend to do that which is necessary to retain the majority of their power. While those out of power will tend to do that which is necessary to gain power. So this quote from MeesterPerfect makes no sense to me:

He ain't gonna do nothing but try to make it worse until he gets voted out.

Uhh... and just why would he try to do that??? :confused:

Though it's a sad commentary, I don't find it so hard to believe that "some" Republicans want to see the country and economy continue to struggle under Obama. I mean, let's face it... if we hit 4% GDP and the unemployment rate drops by a point or more just prior to the election, Obama's chances of being re-elected are not that bad... especially with none of the current crop of Republicans being all that popular among the general electorate. Even if you can't pin all the blame on Obama, for goodness sake, let's not let him get any credit for anything good. "I got an idea, let's cut the budget and knock a point or so off GDP. Even though we don't mind borrowing money to fund tax cuts for those making over a million a year or so that hedge fund managers can call their regular income 'capital gains' /carried interest, we's gots to get a handle on Obama's socialism!"

Personally, I just admire the talent and self-control it takes for them to say that with a straight face. :thumbsup:

As for businesses and/or individuals not investing "until Obama is out"... me thinks some here don't actually understand the principles by which businesses and (real) investors live. In business, you react to demand and economic conditions, not who the President is. Other than that goofy TEA party woman, who claimed to be a "small business owner" (riiight... :rolleyes:), no real business person would advocate not investing in their business just to derail the economy so that the "Black, socialist, communist, Marxist, Muslim, anti-Christ" would get booted out in 2012. Big businesses contribute to Democrats and Republicans alike. Right now, Obama is still getting donations from Wall Street, though at only half the amount that Romney is. But he's beating the hell out of Perry, Bachmann, Cain and Gingrich with the Wall Street crowd. And he's beating the hell out of Romney with the Silicone Valley crowd. So this idea that businesses all want Obama out and someone like Perry or Bachmann in, is just a fantasy.

During the budget battles, big business wanted a deal! Whatever it was, they wanted certainty, not uncertainty. Uncertainty (and lack of demand) is the actual reason why many businesses aren't investing or hiring right now. Increases or spikes in demand are largely being dealt with by increasing overtime. Only when OEE/productivity begins to fall is head count increased. One of the things that Obama has pushed through and supported, that I FULLY agree with, is the ability to apply accelerated depreciation to plant and equipment. A company I'm working with right now has bought several million dollars worth of CNC equipment. And since CNC's won't run themselves, employees have been hired to fill those slots. For those that don't follow (data driven) news, manufacturing has been doing fairly well vs. other parts of the economy. I guess those of us who work in the manufacturing sector didn't get the memo on not investing cause Big Daddy O was Prez. And that, despite the fact that the National Association of Manufacturers is one of the most conservative groups in the United States. :dunno:

Go figure... $ > political philosophy.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'll put the shoe on the other foot and say this, if McCain were president and all other things being what they are there's no way in hell I would advocate or support sacrificing the economy for another year just for the chance to get rid of him.


Works for panties
Not really an accurate characterization. Both believe in big government, the difference comes in where they want government to grow and where they want government to shrink.

Actually it is an accurate generalization, which is what I said because it is true of the parties 'in general,' not 100%. Both parties do not believe in big government. RINOs, Republicans In Name Only, Progressive/'Elite' Republicans, do, but they are not true Republicans nor are they conservative. They're really just Democrats/Liberals lite, and are very easy to pick out by how often they vote, or agree, with the other side. And I'm pretty sure there are some Democrats who aren't for big government either, though they are harder to find.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I call bullshit on that ban-one, particularly when it comes to legislating Christianity, conservatives can't make government big enough to protect Jesus.


Works for panties
Fine, then let's name some names

Goldman Sachs


First let me say I tried to get it to put your little quotes in there but it wouldn't go. (That's why there's that post from me where I said there was a glitch.)

However, as to the people from Goldman Sachs and Moody's, are these some of the same 'analysts' that are never right and always surprised?

Also, what did your little quotes have to do with anything I said?


Works for panties
No one except BC has come close to answering my original question. I was trying to get a handle on how many of you would be willing to sacrifice our economy for another year if it meant getting rid of Obama. It's obviously not working. Sorry I posted this thread....there are plenty of other "your side sucks" threads already so this one is redundant. Mods: As the OP, I request that this thread be closed. Thanks.

How's this:

Republicans give Obama and the Democrats what they want, things get worse and we're all screwed. Republicans don't work with Obama and the Democrats, things stay about the same and we're still all screwed. We're screwed either way.

The point is, if the right believes what the left wants will make things worse, or vice versa, why would you go along with it? A lot of people on the left don't seem to get this for some reason, despite supposedly being so smart. If the situation was reversed, would any of you on the left want your party going along with the Republicans if you thought it would be bad for the country? I seriously doubt you would. That's what this is. We on the right think you'll make things worse, you on the left think we'll make things worse, so why would anyone go along with the other side if we think they'll just make things worse? Really, it shows we all care about our country, it's just that we have opposing views and ideas on how to fix things.
Man is there no centre in America who could poach their ideas from both sides and maybe jam ball some improvements through it lol. Oh yea and get into power.


Works for panties
I call bullshit on that ban-one, particularly when it comes to legislating Christianity, conservatives can't make government big enough to protect Jesus.

What exactly are you talking about here?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What exactly are you talking about here?

Opposing repeal of DADT, supporting a constitutional amendment to define marriage, opposition to planned parenthood, Bush "faith-based initiatives", to name a few. If you want to talk about expanding government in general there are plenty of other examples.
Hey, don't blame Perry. He already said he wants Jesus to take over if he was in the office. Fuck agencies.

If he could do that, then maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. He has a birthday coming up later this month. Happy Birthday!
Think of how much we all agree on this site. Topics are discussed open and honestly. Preconceived notions are put on hold while the facts are weighed out. No prejudice is given to opposing ideas and thoughts.

Now add money and power to the discussion. Easy to understand why Washington is in the state it is in.