A Question For Conservative Members


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I haven't agreed to your premise because I am not convinced that it is true.

Jag, it's difficult for me to answer your question, as I wonder what all was in that Bill?

Perhaps because they can sense the cynicism in your tone and do not necessarily believe what you are saying.

Maybe I'm not making myself clear here. I'm not "saying" anything nor am I assuming any premise (other than the fact that the economy sucks right now and most conservatives are anti-Obama. Are those statements not true?)....I'm asking for opinions. The crux of the question is: Would you rather have another year of the economy being in the toilet and thereby increase the odds that Obama will not be reelected or would you rather see the economy recover and risk having him serve another term. What's more important to you right now? There's no cynicism here....if the tables were turned, I'd ask the same question from the liberal members.
I would like to see the economy improve. I wouldn't care if Obama's policies were responsible for that improvement.

Everything thus far suggests that his policies are not working. If things change 8 months from now and Obama is responsible I would give him credit and could be supportive of him during a second term. Although I would find plenty of other things about his policy decisions that would make me disagree with him vehemently . I would just have to stomach four more years of it. Economic stability takes precedence over social issues.
This is the Obama economy. "Foot dragging" is not sabotage.
I suppose you don't remember the sabotage of 2009 health care?

unemployment insurance extensions for those experiencing the brunt of the economy?

Sabotaging the budget in 2011?

expiring the insane Bush tax cuts?


this really wasn't that hard to find if you were actually paying attention the last 3 years.
Whats funny is that for all the belly-aching today's "conservatives" do over Obama, Obama certainly is no hero or champion of any "left" platform that I know of. He may be a win for the DNC, but that doesn't mean anything regarding "left" policies

Neither party is going to help the American citizen, so the sports fan vitriol over team or another is just vanity
Everything you listed were policy differences, Not an effort to wreck the economy for political gain. Obama and his economic policies are an epic fail, trying to pin the current situation on conservatives is nothing more than black helicopters, op-eds and tinfoil hats. Disagreeing with the democrats and the president does not constitute a consortium of GOP'ers throwing monkey wrenches into the economy. I fully expect them to resist Obama and the dems. I hope that they continue to do so.
what were they listing as solutions to any of those issues?

The solutions they DID offered would not have helped the economy one bit (contrary in many examples)

The unfortunate dialogue of politicos is so polarized that there never is any discussion. Its just hurling sales pitches at one another without a real clear effort to do anything. Both party representatives are there because they are robbing the citizens and putting on a show. NONE of them are going to do anything
what were they listing as solutions to any of those issues?

The solutions they DID offered would not have helped the economy one bit (contrary in many examples)

The unfortunate dialogue of politicos is so polarized that there never is any discussion. Its just hurling sales pitches at one another without a real clear effort to do anything. Both party representatives are there because they are robbing the citizens and putting on a show. NONE of them are going to do anything
Health care:

Unemployment benefit extensions:


Bush tax cuts:


Whether you agree with the proposals or not, they did offer concessions and alternatives.


Official Checked Star Member
I wouldn't forget that Mr. Obama is still the President of US; either you think that the Congress have more power than the President and rule the country, or if Mr. Obama will not be re-elected it will be simply because he failed all by his own. Every country in the world (well, apart from regimes) have a government and an opposition who try to work against the government in the hope that in the next elections the government will become opposition and the opposition will become the government. If that was a bad thing it would be named regime.

Plus, Obama had the favor of the Congress until middle term elections: if in those elections the Republicans took over the congress might depend as well from ppl democratically voting for them and therefore not being pretty happy about Obama already. Or not?
I wouldn't forget that Mr. Obama is still the President of US; either you think that the Congress have more power than the President and rule the country, or if Mr. Obama will not be re-elected it will be simply because he failed all by his own. Every country in the world (well, apart from regimes) have a government and an opposition who try to work against the government in the hope that in the next elections the government will become opposition and the opposition will become the government. If that was a bad thing it would be named regime.

Plus, Obama had the favor of the Congress until middle term elections: if in those elections the Republicans took over the congress might depend as well from ppl democratically voting for them and therefore not being pretty happy about Obama already. Or not?

I agree with everything she says because she is just soooo damn hot.....oh I mean right! :nanner:


Works for panties
I saw a feature on TV last night where the commentator was lamenting the fact that the republican congress was doing everything it could to perpetuate the current economic mess in order to ensure the defeat of President Obama next November. How do the conservative members here feel about that? Would you prefer to have mass unemployment, businesses going bankrupt, housing sales at an all-time low and foreclosures at an all time high, retirement accounts going down the drain, and people demonstrating in droves all over the nation instead of a speedy and strong economic recovery simply for the singular purpose of making sure that Obama was defeated in 2012? Do you believe that congress is employing obstructionist tactics for this very end? Of course, all members are welcome to comment but I'd really like to hear how our more conservative members feel about this. This is a legitimate question so let's keep it civil, please.

Well, whoever this unnamed commentator is, is an idiot. The Republicans are supposed to be opposed to things that go against what they're for, just like the Democrats do, many of which I might add are just as against what the Pres wants as the Republicans. Republicans believe one thing (generally smaller gov, less regulations, lower taxes, let the free market do its thing), the Democrats another (generally larger gov, more regulations, higher taxes, the gov is the end all be all), which is where the disagreement as to how to fix things lies, and that puts them at odds with each other. Only it gets reported as the Republicans are obstructionist and against Obama, when in reality, a lot of his own party is too. They had the Pres, House, and Senate for 2 years, still had to arm twist to get their members to pass things, and now when the Democrat controlled Senate doesn't do what he wants, it's somehow the minority Republicans' fault? If Obama could keep his own people in line, they'd get something passed in the Senate. House is a different story because the roles are reversed. There is nothing wrong with being opposed to something you do not believe in. Surely the people around here who do not agree with the other side can understand that. (Just a quick glance at other political threads around here would prove that.) Would any of you on the left be willing to go along with the views and ideas of us on the right if they were opposed to your very beliefs and ideals? It's why Rush said he hoped Obama failed.

The unnamed commentator is just trying to pass the blame off onto someone else to protect Obama. But you know what? Obama's gotten done a lot of the things he wanted to get done. With some support from Republicans, I am ashamed to say. It's why alotta people don't like the current state of our country. Obama has succeeded.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Republicans believe one thing (generally smaller gov, less regulations, lower taxes, let the free market do its thing), the Democrats another (generally larger gov, more regulations, higher taxes, the gov is the end all be all)

Not really an accurate characterization. Both believe in big government, the difference comes in where they want government to grow and where they want government to shrink.
The unnamed commentator is just trying to pass the blame off onto someone else to protect Obama. But you know what? Obama's gotten done a lot of the things he wanted to get done. With some support from Republicans, I am ashamed to say. It's why alotta people don't like the current state of our country. Obama has succeeded.

Fine, then let's name some names

Goldman Sachs

Spending cuts approved by House Republicans would act as a drag on the U.S. economy, according to a Wall Street analysis that put new pressure on the political debate in Washington.

The report by the investment firm Goldman Sachs said the cuts would reduce the growth in gross domestic product by up to 2 percentage points this year, essentially cutting in half the nation's projected economic growth for 2011.


The measure would reduce real economic growth this year by 0.5 percentage points and by 0.2 percentage points next year, resulting in 700,000 fewer jobs by the end of 2012, said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. He said budget- cutters should wait until the U.S. economy is stronger, saying Republicans “would be taking an unnecessary chance with the recovery.”


Closed Account
Not really an accurate characterization. Both believe in big government, the difference comes in where they want government to grow and where they want government to shrink.
Once again, you are mistaken about: "Both believe in big government." Ninety-nine point nine, nine percent of Republicans run on the smaller government platform.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yeah, and Obama ran on Hope and Change. I really hope you don't believe everything republicans lie to you about.
Once again, you are mistaken about: "Both believe in big government." Ninety-nine point nine, nine percent of Republicans run on the smaller government platform.

Unless it involves woman, gays, porn, drugs, or military.
Republican or Liberal, the fact that anyone would support this tactic, or just not care about it is insane. People get so wrapped up in Conservative vs Liberal bullshit that they completely forget what they are actually supposed to be doing. Seems like we are represented pretty well huh?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Republican or Liberal, the fact that anyone would support this tactic, or just not care about it is insane. People get so wrapped up in Conservative vs Liberal bullshit that they completely forget what they are actually supposed to be doing. Seems like we are represented pretty well huh?

Exactly! A person would have to be blind or stupid (or some mixture of both) not to see that this nation is not moving forward at this time. And though I wouldn't put all of the blame on Republicans or conservatives, being an obstructionist for the sake of being an obstructionist is destructive! Any news or commentary show that you watch (outside of Faux News... and maybe even there) has people who can agree on one thing, if nothing else: we have not seen this type of gridlock in at least a generation. Reagan and Tip O'Neill found ways to work together... and they were polar opposites politically. The nation most certainly moved forward, though not without stumbles, during that time. But John Boehner only seems to know the first word that he learned as a child: "no!". "No!"... to any idea that doesn't exactly match what the extreme right, Grover Norquist and the Evangelicals have signed off on. At one time there was an intellectual wing within the GOP. Very recently, that wing has been largely silenced. And so you see the dramatic rise of anti-intellectuals like Sarah P@lin, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, Herman Cain and Rick Perry. The more backward and ignorant someone is, the more likely it is that they will be a champion within this "new" GOP. :facepalm:

They were willing to let the auto industry go down the tubes. They were willing to let the nation default on its debts. So do I think they'd be willing to tank the nation if they don't get their way? Just going by what I've seen so far, I have to say, "yes!"


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No one except BC has come close to answering my original question. I was trying to get a handle on how many of you would be willing to sacrifice our economy for another year if it meant getting rid of Obama. It's obviously not working. Sorry I posted this thread....there are plenty of other "your side sucks" threads already so this one is redundant. Mods: As the OP, I request that this thread be closed. Thanks.