I saw a feature on TV last night where the commentator was lamenting the fact that the republican congress was doing everything it could to perpetuate the current economic mess in order to ensure the defeat of President Obama next November. How do the conservative members here feel about that? Would you prefer to have mass unemployment, businesses going bankrupt, housing sales at an all-time low and foreclosures at an all time high, retirement accounts going down the drain, and people demonstrating in droves all over the nation instead of a speedy and strong economic recovery simply for the singular purpose of making sure that Obama was defeated in 2012? Do you believe that congress is employing obstructionist tactics for this very end? Of course, all members are welcome to comment but I'd really like to hear how our more conservative members feel about this. This is a legitimate question so let's keep it civil, please.
Well, whoever this unnamed commentator is, is an idiot. The Republicans are supposed to be opposed to things that go against what they're for, just like the Democrats do, many of which I might add are just as against what the Pres wants as the Republicans. Republicans believe one thing (generally smaller gov, less regulations, lower taxes, let the free market do its thing), the Democrats another (generally larger gov, more regulations, higher taxes, the gov is the end all be all), which is where the disagreement as to how to fix things lies, and that puts them at odds with each other. Only it gets reported as the Republicans are obstructionist and against Obama, when in reality, a lot of his own party is too. They had the Pres, House, and Senate for 2 years, still had to arm twist to get their members to pass things, and now when the Democrat controlled Senate doesn't do what he wants, it's somehow the minority Republicans' fault? If Obama could keep his own people in line, they'd get something passed in the Senate. House is a different story because the roles are reversed. There is nothing wrong with being opposed to something you do not believe in. Surely the people around here who do not agree with the other side can understand that. (Just a quick glance at other political threads around here would prove that.) Would any of you on the left be willing to go along with the views and ideas of us on the right if they were opposed to your very beliefs and ideals? It's why Rush said he hoped Obama failed.
The unnamed commentator is just trying to pass the blame off onto someone else to protect Obama. But you know what? Obama's gotten done a lot of the things he wanted to get done. With some support from Republicans, I am ashamed to say. It's why alotta people don't like the current state of our country. Obama has succeeded.