A question about Socialism/Communism

I'm just being curious here...

Why are some of you so threatened by Communism? What is the inherent evil? Is it simply stigma?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I don't get the big deal with Socialism, Communism or Capitalism.
I'm not threatened by communism... only chimpanzees because they're up to something.

Actually, communism just has a really bad track record of associations with massacres, repression, etc. I've read some articles that say it could possibly work if you don't get some egotistical asshole in charge. Sometimes the same could be said for any other government too
I don't like any of the system as the people on the top eventually away seem to go insane and think they should or deserve total control over everyone else in the end.
I'm just being curious here...

Why are some of you so threatened by Communism? What is the inherent evil? Is it simply stigma?

If you are an incompetent boob who wants to leach off others and want no freedom to sully your simple mind with choices, you want to wallow in mediocrity and live at another's whim, then that's a great system for you.

If you value individual freedom and rights, hold the belief that man, not the state, is the basic unit of life, and want to make decisions for yourself, then you will view collectivist political systems with the utmost disdain, to be fought against with your very life if need be. It is demonstrably false and evil, and stands in direct opposition to basic human nature. In short, it is a perversion of the concept of "justice," a system to make all men equal, a tyranny of oppression by the weak over the strong.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Americans hate Communism because the Russians had it and it is awesome. It's a rule in America that if it is awesome and it is not in America, it sucks. :yesyes:
well, Thoreau said that the gov'ment which governs the least governs the best.

It is that libertarian ideal that is partially responsible for Americans opposing communism.

But that quote was actually directed against the American government, who have largely opposed Communism from the exact opposite standpoint, which was that it hindered them from governing more. How else could you justify using anti-communism as a basis for invading and occupying other nations and terrorizing, imprisoning and stripping the right to free speech of citizens?

Capitalists oppose communism because they oppose anything that is not capitalism- but that is not a true libertarian ideal. The basis of that ideal is that people have the right to govern themselves as they best see fit.

Following that argument you come to Mr. Trebus' ultimate conclusion: The government that governs the least is no government at all.
Those old enough know that Communism was a failed experiment. Those too young to know, think Communism is fashionable and cool.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Those who know what communisms and socialism truly are know that the U.S.S.R., Cuba, China, et al, never practiced true communism.
Meanwhile, if you ask most of today's Americans what embodied true communisms or socialism, you would either get a blank look; you would be told of the evils of the U.S.S.R.'s government; or you would get a flag-waving response that goes nowhere near an answer.
In other words, most Americans don't understand communism.
We also inherently fear that we do not understand.
Hence, we fear communism.
Those old enough know that Communism was a failed experiment. Those too young to know, think Communism is fashionable and cool.
Do you honestly believe people are interested in Communism simply to be "cool?"
This thread has so much win.................:facepalm::horse:
Thank you for your thoughts, now leave this thread.
Those who know what communisms and socialism truly are know that the U.S.S.R., Cuba, China, et al, never practiced true communism.
Meanwhile, if you ask most of today's Americans what embodied true communisms or socialism, you would either get a blank look; you would be told of the evils of the U.S.S.R.'s government; or you would get a flag-waving response that goes nowhere near an answer.
In other words, most Americans don't understand communism.
We also inherently fear that we do not understand.
Hence, we fear communism.
ding ding ding!
Those who know what communisms and socialism truly are know that the U.S.S.R., Cuba, China, et al, never practiced true communism.
Meanwhile, if you ask most of today's Americans what embodied true communisms or socialism, you would either get a blank look; you would be told of the evils of the U.S.S.R.'s government; or you would get a flag-waving response that goes nowhere near an answer.
In other words, most Americans don't understand communism.
We also inherently fear that we do not understand.
Hence, we fear communism.

Indeed. Lenin just paraphrased Marx and moulded a political ideology to suit his own needs for power and then Stalin did the same thing to Lenin what Lenin did to Marx. Hence the filtration and centralisation of power that occurred during this time. And as pointed out above similar systems have been put in place elsewhere that have been called or call themselves Communist nations and so forth.

Communism in its truest form as it was written and planned out has never been put into practice anywhere.
Ronald Reagan said, "Mr Gorbochev, tear down this wall". But it was mostly East Germans who did it initially. Then they sold bits of it (smells like capatalism)? Possibly a "better question to ask" is Why did they fear us (they didn't)? A dumb american might say they feared their government more, but I'm thinking thats a good answer. Now i realize this is a totally new concept for most 14 yr olds, but in those socialist countries the people and the ruling class didn't exactly see eye to eye on alot of things. Very basic things like getting food to eat....