The only people that stand to possibly lose with Socialism are the rich. And because of that, they have made it appear that it is something evil and to be fear. I'm not saying that pure socialism is the answer but some aspects of it do have advantages. Namely, guaranteed health care is the biggest one at least in my book. And regardless of what the media would like to have you believe, I have friends and family in Europe that have the guaranteed health care and they are no worse off than we are. The biggest farce is that they pay more in taxes than we do, that is not completely true. Because if you think about all the "sneaky" taxes we pay such as mandatory car insurance in some states. And others and if you add it all up, its about the same. But just like anything else when it comes to the rich not benefiting from it or they have to lose a bit in the process makes in "evil" or wrong. But nothing is going to change because if you look, Wall Street and the financial dirtbags fucked caused the financial implosion and is anyone being punished for it, considering it is a FACT that their actions caused this to happen...uhhh no and why do you think that is?
this is just :horse:
Mandatory car insurance in some states? WTF???????? Us Europeans have always had to have car insurance well in the UK you do, Its illegal not to have it.