Marlo Manson
Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Hi everybody!
I've been away for a while because I changed apartments, finally got internet back.
I thought I'd bump this thread.
Its gonna seem like I'm bragging, but..........
The twins.
Things fizzled with the girl I started this thread about, twin number one, just not much chemistry.
So about a month ago her sister contacted me.
Just as beautiful (they are identical twins).
So funny how things went, cause now i have been going with twin number 2, she's basically my gf now.
so thats the conclusion of the story, i guess forrest gump was right about those chocolates.
Now i know some of you are gonna call bullshit on this, but its 12:10 am in colombia now, its my birthday, and both are coming here to drink aquardiente and sleep over and hang out all day tomorrow..
I'm ready for whatever.
Goodluck & Happy Birthday.:glugglug:arty::condom: :nannerf1: :nannerf2: :blowjob: :hatsoff:
"You're the evil man, I'm the righteous man, and Mr. 9mm here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness." ~ Jules Winnfield