A Man Is Listening to 168 Hours of Nickelback for Charity

Brutal. I can't make it though a nickel bag of Nickelback.


A Man Is Listening to 168 Hours of Nickelback for Charity

Kevin McSpadden @KevinMcspadden

1:15 AM ET

Give generously

People are willing to do all sorts of humiliating, torturous and even downright dangerous things for a good cause.

Take podcaster Jesse Carey.

On Monday, Carey, from Relevant magazine’s podcast, began a self-imposed “ultimate test of endurance” when he started listening to the entire Nickelback catalog, on repeat, for the entire week — amounting to a total of 168 hours.

With the help of an organization called Charity: Water, Carey wanted to raise $10,000 to build a well in one of the developing nations supported by the group. The campaign has already topped $17,000.

“$10,000 is an incredible amount of money to raise. I mean it’s amazing, our average campaign raises about $1,000,” said Kaitlyn Jankowski, supporter-experience manager for Charity: Water, on last Friday’s podcast.

While the primary goal is to build the well, Carey thinks his endeavor may produce other positive side effects.

“I want someone who’s going through a hard time next week to be like, ‘Huh, I’m really down and out, life’s really got me down, but right now there’s a guy who’s been listening to Nickelback for days straight,’” he said on the podcast.

Right now it has been two days, and Carey is already showing signs of fatigue. Let’s hope he can power through:

“If you’ve got a better idea, I would have loved to have heard it two weeks ago,” he told his listeners last Friday.
the horra.

bless his soul.

self-flagellation to the utmost.

“I want someone who’s going through a hard time next week to be like, ‘Huh, I’m really down and out, life’s really got me down, but right now there’s a guy who’s been listening to Nickelback for days straight,’” he said on the podcast.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
For fuck's sake. :facepalm:

Donate money to help a worthy cause, and I'll do something moderately intolerable for your amusement. What the fuck happened to donating money because it helps other fucking people? Isn't that something to rally behind? The story should be about donating in order to bring water to folks in a developing county. You know, the fucking liquid we need to survive. That seems like a pretty goddamn good story by itself. This should not be about giving some some douche canoe some money to listen to awful music.

These kinds of backward ass stories make me want to punch a baby.
Anyone that says they don't like I wanna be a rock star at least a little is lying out of their ass.
Anyone that says they don't like I wanna be a rock star at least a little is lying out of their ass.

That's funny cause that was the song that made me go from indifference to "WTF is this shit I'm listening to?"

And no, my distaste for Nickelback had nothing to do with all the hate they've gotten on the internets but I found that hilarious afterwards.

And this was the song that confirmed to me they were absolute shit:

And we sang 'ay oh ay oh ay oh ay',
And the voices rang like the angels sing.
And singin' 'ay oh ay oh ay oh ay',
And we danced on into the night,

Will E Worm

Why pay someone who is just listening to something?

Didn't the band members of Nickelback sign their contracts in blood?

They serve a purpose in that they make rock music and sell a hell of a lot of records in a world dominated by hip hop and country music. For that alone they deserve a little credit. they aren't Radiohead or Led Zep but they write the occasional catchy radio tune and that is ok by me. Music snobbery be damned.
Well i could only listen to the video that animus posted for 7 seconds before i had to turn it off. Probably need to listen to some wilco to get my music cred back.