A 2 year old chain smoker, crazy world huh

Man, cigarette smoke is putrid stuff. Much worse for your insides than alcohol could ever be. Not to mention all the people around that are affected by that rot. :pimpdaddy


Postal Paranoiac
Philip Morris has no comment. Well, except that it appears that was a filtered cigarette.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Why would you give the kid a cigarette when he's only 18 months old? The father should be shot!
Keep in mind that these "parents" probably make some extra money from having his picture taken or doing an interview. They are probably on the bottom of the foodchain and found an extra way to make some easy cash and feed their family.

Crazy world huh

I doubt they're making enough freak show bucks to offset the cost of two packs a day and the troft of food they're obviously feeding him.

Worst part of the story? His mom has a nicotine ring on her left nipple.
I think it'as an hoax, a fake.

The kid has moves that are not moves of 3 years old boy.
I think this is more like a case of huge late growth.
fuck yeah little dude