Just my punk ass :2 cents: but the government don't really care about single moms, let alone teen moms. As far as those bastards are concerned, they're all just low class scum. They just care about their big houses, fancy cars and private jets.
I don't know if they care about them but they pay for everything they own and eat plus more.
where did you get that?
I think ts true though.
I found this:
Ethnicity statistics 2001
White: 23.9%
Black: 74.2%
Hispanic: 1.2%
thats for the area, not the school so i suppose 98% is about right.
I also found this video:
I'll say it and I'll catch some crap but this is for the welfare money, period.
it says 100% of the students are eligible for free lunch, paid for by federal dollars, that means peoples taxes.
So its safe to say most of these kids probably grew up in single family homes and on welfare too, so this is the life they know.
theys just doin like mama did.
This is one little area in one medium size city, multiply that by 10's of thousands and thats a pretty big burden on the working people.
The GOVERNMENT doesn't want to see black people stand on their own feet, succeed and support themselves.
They want to keep them just where they are by chucking them scraps of meat like a master to his dog.
But too many blacks fall right into it so I have no pity for them either.
Instead of supporting them for having kids they should reward them for graduating high school by using that same money to further their education free of charge to the ones that graduate with ok grades.
Oh, they already do that too, but no one wants it.
What good was Brown vs. The board of education if no one wants it?
its a sick, sad situation in the USA.
The poor reproduce like theres no tomorrow and the government forces people who don't to pay for it and if they don't they put them in jail.
Thats one way to get control of a country, break it down by overwhelming it financially.
Put everybody in the poorhouse sooner or later and the politicians not only stand by and let it happen but promote it, they don't care because they'll always be rich until the day they die and go to hell.
I wish more people would take this stuff seriously, its your country, your childrens future were dealing with here.
just look around .
you know the people of europe who lived during the dark ages in poverty and disease were surrounded by the great roman ruins from just a few hundred years earlier.
a constant reminder of how much better it was then, and how shitty it is now.
maybe thats the fate of the United States, sure looks that way