After reading you rail away at welfare and "degenerates" in post after post and thread after thread, this latest response pretty much is hypocritical and ridiculous.
It takes MONEY for education. It takes MONEY AND MATURITY BY PARENTS for high schools to keep condoms in stock. Do you really think whatever constitutes Sex Education at this high school or any other one, for that matter, is actually worthwhile and relevant today?
I think Child Support laws somehow need to be adjusted and harsh consequences need to be visited upon these "fathers" who most likely go on with their lives --playing video games, watching tv, eating doritos, fucking more girls--while the teen girl and the girl's family are left to deal with everything.
Thank you MTV and People magazine for glorifying teen pregnancy and making it seem like a "fun way to celebrity fame and fortune" :facepalm
Oh, but my god, we can't actually CENSOR MTV and People magazine, huh...:anonymous
The only people celebrating this story are the religious wackoes and I say let the churches be in charge of funding these child births since it's the religious message that brainwashes parents and teens in the first place....
why quote me and then talk about something else.
I do agree with much of what you said though.
it is true that many teenage girls get pregnant because they know the state will give them free money, food, sometimes rent ,pay for the delivery ect ect.
basically support them. use kids as livestock.
most arent thinking that far ahead but most still wind up doing the same thing, and having more kids after that.
this is a fact in American society today.
If the Government didnt give money to these girls I guarantee most would think twice before getting pregnant.
So basically the government is feeding the problem and causing it in a very real way.
As far as child support: well first the girl must go after the father for it.
many don't because its just easier to get the money from the government.
whats more reliable, the united states government or some punk?
and many times the girl is still with the guy but they collect from the government too, millions do that
This is how millions and growing live in the United States today.
And I do call people like that degenerates, what else should I call them?
sponges? parasites?
Old people getting sent peanuts each month from a system they paid into all their lives , living in squalor while young able bodied DEGENERATES are getting sent more from the government. food paid, rent paid, spending money, ect ect.
I mean where and what are the priorities there?
whats behind that?
whats the motivation of the government for doing this?
Where I grew up I watched the area change from working class people who paid taxes to a welfare area where people live off the people who pay taxes.
?I guess if that happened in my little nechk of the woods its happened nation wide.
If you want to defend that half tits go ahead, i'll defend the other half who actually keep the country running instead of draining it.