24788, What in the Sam Hell is it With All These Potholes?

We have some of the worst roads in the country where I live. In some places it's more patch than road. Even when they do patch it the patches usually come up in a week. Often it's not about swerving to avoid pot holes it's more like you have to pick a path in the road to go over the better ones while avoiding the really bad ones. There are some counties around here that are thinking about tearing up pavement in some areas and turning some roads back into dirt roads to save money on maintenance.


Lord Dipstick
Bent a rim and blew a tire in a crater here in NJ right before going over a bridge.....got over the bridge and there were 5!! fucking cars pulled over w/ bent rims and tires!!!:mad:
Looked like a graveyard of rims, hubcaps and tires!

A State Trooper told me to make a claim with the state and send in any receipts for repairs and the state will reimburse.

Fuck those motherfuckers, I pay all this toll $ here in NJ and these cunts cant pave a section of road where the SAME motherfucking pothole KEEPS opening back up EVERY fucking time it rains heavy or snows!?? :thefinger

Aiight....I'm done......:hatsoff:
potholes were made for pot plants. Drop a few seeds in them holes and I guarntee they will be paved over within 6 months.:D
Bent a rim and blew a tire in a crater here in NJ right before going over a bridge.....got over the bridge and there were 5!! fucking cars pulled over w/ bent rims and tires!!!:mad:
Looked like a graveyard of rims, hubcaps and tires!

A State Trooper told me to make a claim with the state and send in any receipts for repairs and the state will reimburse.

Fuck those motherfuckers, I pay all this toll $ here in NJ and these cunts cant pave a section of road where the SAME motherfucking pothole KEEPS opening back up EVERY fucking time it rains heavy or snows!?? :thefinger

Aiight....I'm done......:hatsoff:

The American way! I for one can't f'ing stand this shit. We've never had it this bad. It seems like it's all a scam for the gov't: pave the roads a new inch every year mediocre, then let them go to shit, repeat.
You should try driving in Mexico, and now with the extra potholes made by grenade or rocket explosions will probably be a bit more..."challenging" :D
Public works chief just resigned over investigations over the crews taking excessive breaks. Did'nt have to be a scientist to drive by them and see half of them don't even work.
Our new rallying cry should be "No money on healthcare until I can safely drive on a fucking road without craters!"
yeah theres a few of our roads up here really turning to shit this spring too...worse than normal, at least they finally got around to filling some of them but there were more than a few people coming into the shop i work at with bent rims, destroyed tires etc...trying to get the state to take responsibility for it though is futile...also unfortunate is damage from this sort of thing is often not covered by alot of tire companies standard warranties


It's simple when water freezes it expands. repetitive freezing and unthawing fucks it up.

Who the fuck drives in Minnesota... We ride polar bears to be honest.
Nothing like this in London, not on any main or important roads anyway. Snoe clearing is another story entirely though :facepalm:
The potholes have gotten worse around here in the last few years. The city doesn't seem to care as much lately. Though I did notice they filled in some when it got warm again a few days ago which is nice except that now it's freezing again and they are going to open back up lol.

Of all the places I've driven so far I would say Detroit Michigan has the worst potholes.
I live in bad weather and the people that take care of the roads seem to get worse every year.

I suppose you could be onto something. Considering the DMV can be seen in a fleet of vehicles one person to a car all following the other showing gross misuse of taxpayer dollars. :facepalm: