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I've been thinking. There are a lot of people that think Trump supporters are dumb, and that's bad enough, but there is somebody I'm have a feeling that thinks they're dumb that should even be much more concerning to Trump supporters. That person being Donald Trump. I hope they realize he most likely feels the same way about them as a snake oil salesman feels about a mark he successfully cons right after they walk away with his useless product. Does anybody not think he looks out on the crowds that gather for him and secretly thinks them fools?
I would give Trump credit for being so masterful at playing people, but it's more that his supporters are just that easily manipulated than any skill on Trump's part. Playing to the worst and most hateful parts of people's psyches has been a tried and true method throughout history. It also almost always leads to very bad episodes in history.
I also get a laugh out of other notable republicans that try to say Trump doesn't represent republican values and yet he clearly is leading the nomination race. They can't have it both ways. After years and years of pandering to some of the worst aspects of their party and our entire society as a whole if Trump comes around to bite them in the ass hard I think they will be getting what they deserve, because those values have indeed been part of the republican part for a long time now. This whole debacle just makes it harder for them to pretend it hasn't happened.
I agree though I am afraid it may come around to bite the entire nation in the ass. Hillary disgusts me the more I hear of her, and Bernie though an actual believer in his message is a life long socialist It is starting to look like the only possible hope we have is Trump being impeached a year or so after he takes office. Otherwise the question in the future won't be "If you could travel back in time and kill baby Hitler would you?"