What truly makes many fellow europeans, me included, very sad is:
There were so great american presdents and other public figures, JF Kennedy, Dr. King, Eisenhower, Quincy Jones, ...
But the corruption and the power games on capitol hill have broken the educational system, there are really very little left. Sanders was consistent all his life, as it is on the records, Obama was far from what he promised in his first campaign, but he brought the economy back from close to total collapse, and he and his family are at east a good example of a family. Clinbton, Cruz, Rubio, Trump, the joke that Carson was, there is so much #Fremdschämen to go around.
I even thonk that in a way, the nutcase that Glenn Beck is s right: This must be some sort of the end of an era. Your great country is looking like it is going to disintegrate and fall into pieces.