*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

^ What a total fucked up thing to say. I don't mean that. Posting while drunk and belligerent and a total asshole instead of a partial one. Sorry.
It's past 7pm in Iowa and the doors of the caucuses are closed. Now the counting begins, dealing, then some more counting, etc They are saying that 43% are first timers to this weird way Iowa picks their delegates, and the Democrats process is different to the Republican process.
Ted Cruz wins followed by Trump then Rubio. CNN is reporting Huckabee dropping out.

Hillary and Bernie pretty much 50/50. Word is that O'Malley is calling it quits after tonight.
I'm nervous. I'm thinking of getting off the Clinton bandwagon and joining Sanders. Any Sanders supporters want to sway me?


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Bronze Member
I am worried about the Donald! He says he HATES losers, now he lost. Don't give up, dude, you gotty pull harder!

Donald Trump was awfully subdued and gracious in the clip I saw of him last night. He didn't call anyone a loser. What's wrong with him?

He almost came in third.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Donald Trump was awfully subdued and gracious in the clip I saw of him last night. He didn't call anyone a loser. What's wrong with him?

He almost came in third.

You can't start picking on weaklings if you just fucked up. The Donald has to step up right now!
After initially denying it did anything wrong the Cruz campaign admits they hurt Carson with false dropout claims - Cruz goes on to rationalize doing so as "fair game".
The fella I favored more than the others, Rand Paul, dropped out. I like his dad and enjoyed much of what Rand brought to the debates.

Rick Santorum also quit. Jim Gilmore marches on remaining confident though.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The fella I favored more than the others, Rand Paul, dropped out. I like his dad and enjoyed much of what Rand brought to the debates.

Paul is an enigma to me. Much of what he stands up for is spot on....other things, so far off-the-wall that he comes off like a kook. Ultimately, these extreme polar views on various subjects is what did him in. He's conservative one minute and uber-liberal the next. Welcome to Libertarianism. He really could run as a democrat and no one would know the difference. He's an interesting cat for sure and very intelligent. Just too flaky for the republican base to rally around I'm afraid.

Also glad you told me Santorum has officially quit otherwise I wouldn't have noticed the difference.
^ Wouldn't it be nice if the Libertarian wing of the Republican Party (if it can be considered a wing) had more influence. Not saying it's a perfect ideology but I find it preferable to the alternative.
Donald Trump was awfully subdued and gracious in the clip I saw of him last night. He didn't call anyone a loser. What's wrong with him?

And the dam has burst. That didn't take long. Trump is calling for an Iowa do-over and for Cruz to be banned from Iowa and flogged with a cat o' nine tails. Trump also has an interesting theory on why Cruz is a cheat - he's Canadian.

Now THAT is the Trump we know and love.
Rubio is polling 2nd in NH now. Fuck Cruz, that smarmy POS. And Bush, Kascisch and Christie should follow Huckabee's lead and bow out. Or they can just get smoked again in 5 days.

Rubio is the future of the Republican party. Or there is no future for it.

If the GOP can't front a candidate who can beat someone with no enthusiasm behind her and who is under FBI investigation and a 90-year-old socialist, excuse me, social democrat, then they're f'n hopeless.
Now that both Santorum and Huckabee are out, Cruz almost has no opposition for the christian vote...
But who's gonna benefit from Rand Paul's drop out ? I think Trump could but I'm not sure. I don't think Carson or Cruz could but what about Rubio, Christie, Bush and Kasich ? Could a majority of Paul's voters go to one pf these 4 ?

Anyways, I don't think anyone will drop out before South Carolina.
Now that both Santorum and Huckabee are out, Cruz almost has no opposition for the christian vote...
But who's gonna benefit from Rand Paul's drop out ? I think Trump could but I'm not sure. I don't think Carson or Cruz could but what about Rubio, Christie, Bush and Kasich ? Could a majority of Paul's voters go to one pf these 4 ?

Rand Paul's supporters are engaged and informed but they belong solely to him. It's that libertarian wing. I think they stay home.

Rubio says he can unite the republican party. For someone who came in 3rd in Iowa, he's drawing fire from all quarters. So he's at least united them in that regard.

He's doing something right.

Rubio 2016
I think Warren will end up on the Dem ticket. Also Julian Castro is on the short list. He's learning Espanol now.