Q: Why are sailors n the French Navy required to be at least 6 feet tall?
A: So when they have to abandon ship they can wade back to shore.
A: So when they have to abandon ship they can wade back to shore.
Ted Cruz Is Right: Let Limbaugh and Hannity Moderate a GOP Debate!
I rarely agree with Senator Ted Cruz, but he has a great idea: He wants conservative talk-show hosts/demagogues Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin to moderate a GOP debate.
Let’s be clear: The Republican whining about debate moderation to date is pathetic. They smacked CNBC moderators like piñatas Wednesday night, and they’ve continued battering them through the week. You’ll recall that Donald Trump savaged Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly in the most sexist way after the first debate. These guys are first-rate cry babies, working the refs by crying “liberal media bias!” like conservatives have for going on 50 years.
Republicans are also lying about the first Democratic debate’s being a love-fest between Anderson Cooper and the candidates. Clinton’s first question involved her alleged shape-shifting and flip-flopping on policy, Senator Bernie Sanders got pointed queries about whether he’s anti-capitalism, and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley was grilled on charges that his policies led to over-incarceration when he was Baltimore mayor.
Far from it: Now the undercard candidates are teaming up with the top guns to try to wrest control of the debate process from the Republican National Committee. Representatives of every GOP contender save Chris Christie are reportedly meeting in Washington this weekend to plot against the RNC and the media.
“We need a change of format,” Carson told a press conference in Lakewood, Colorado. “Debates are supposed to be to get to know the candidates, what is behind them. What it has turned into is a gotcha.”
Ted Cruz got even more specific. “How about a debate moderated by Sean Hannity and Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh?” Cruz suggested in an interview with Hannity. “Now, that would be a debate.”
“I’m in,” Hannity replied. “And I think I can speak for the other two—they’re in as well. I do agree with you because these questions are downright hostile. And I believe this was a horrible night for the news media and in many instances tonight a disgrace to the profession of journalism.”
I’m in, too! I think the world should get a clear look at the unvarnished spectacle of a Republican Party that is now run by the “conservative entertainment complex,” in the words of George W. Bush adviser David Frum.
If Republicans have S. Hannity, M. Levin and R. Limbaugh for moderators, why not a Democrat debate moderated by R. Maddow, C. Uygur and J. Stewart ?
He's not a journalist but he knows more about politics than many conservative pundits.Jesus Christ! You think Stewart is a "journalist". I forgot, you French think Jerry Lewis was a great actor too.
Ah, the classic "liberal biased medias" theory, again. Aren't you guys tired of this ? Haven't you guys noted that it only convince people that are already republican voters, that democrats and independants know the trick.The Dems already have home cooking in each and every debate. Why not put Rachel Madcow in? Who gives a fuck?
He's not a journalist but he knows more about politics than many conservative pundits.
About J. Lewis, I've barely heard about him. Maybe in the early 80' french people used to think he was a great actor but to the people who were born in the early 80' or after, he's nobody. I woouldn't be able to name one movie he starred in if you'de ask me.
Ah, the classic "liberal biased medias" theory, again. Aren't you guys tired of this ? Haven't you guys noted that it only convince people that are already republican voters, that democrats and independants know the trick.
Who's dick does America have to suck to get a decent Republican candidate that respects the 2nd amendment and has a hawkish foreign policy, believes in climate change and discards the notion that vaccinations are linked to autism, and has pragmatism to reach across the aisles with Democrats to avoid government shutdowns.