*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

I keep to my word and didn't vote for Hillary. Trump is the worst presidential candidate of maybe all time and a amazingly despicable human being, and I fear for my country, but I also have no regrets in my choice. It was a choice made out of principles, and frankly the outcome isn't on people like me. We are not to blame. I don't do the wrong things for a tactical or strategic advantage, so there was no way I was voting for Clinton either. That screws you over some times in life, but people caving in and doing it is a great factor in making the world a bad place. Plus, I'm tired of being the part of the lesser of two evils.

Maybe this will be a message for the Democrats to get their act together. Their base while bigger isn't as fanatical as the Republicans, but maybe there is a reason for it. They went from a party of the people to a party whose virtual motto was, "Hey, we're not quite as bad for most of you as the other guys." Golly gee you mean to tell me that really doesn't fire people up or make them enthusiastic. People are apathetic or distrusting of a system that is against and doesn't care about them because it doesn't. Who could have figured that out? Banking on being slightly less corrupt isn't a worthwhile strategy. They don't have the fundamentalist nut jobs to support them, so being a party of the people is their only advantage. Who knows maybe the U.S. people are just getting what they deserve. In some way we do have it coming. The American people. It's strange loving people while being forced to admit that most of those people have let themselves become willfully ignorant and stupid. A great number are scumbags. I just hope we are smart enough to learn...but I doubt it. Our conviction and giving a damn about our countrymen erodes ever more as time goes on, and it was never great to begin with. We are either selfish or just don't give a damn or both.

When people are no less meaningfully poor years from now, have even less individual rights, are ruled over even more by the elite, and are still desperate I hope they look back and enjoy the snake oil they so readily bought into because they let themselves be manipulated by somebody that was probably even dumber they they were. I will take no satisfaction from it, as despite what some might think I really do want the best for everybody, maybe even more for them than even for myself. As I get older I've come to realize my life is more and more a lost cause with no time left to fix it, so me going down and losing in the game of life might not be that big of a deal anymore, even fore myself. I look at others though, the ones where there is still hope for them and I worry.

Plus, don't blame me I wanted that Burnie guy. I would have actually voted for him.


Staff member
He's neither.

You dumbshits who wanted an independent president. You got it.

This guy beat the democrats AND the republicans.

Pretty much. I was a Paul supporter but when he dropped I'd no choice but to hop on the Trump Train. LOVE that he's in but we'll have to see how the next four years go...


Staff member
Even when your are winning, you conservatives are hatefull and insulting. Sad, as Trump would say...

Don't you gus think it's time to put your differences, your disagreements and your resentment behind and move on ?
Don't you think it will take the whole nation to "Make America Great Again", not just Trump and his supporters ?
You seem to have a short memory especially when Hillary the Slobbery Swine and Lying Filth insulted Trump supporters and people who doesn't supported the democrat party. The problem is that the things with 8 years of Obama with attempts to belittle, slander and sabotage the elections don't give an ounce of sympathy from normal, honest and law abiding citizens towards Democrats and more especially liberals. The problem with the Democrats is that they spit on people who are patriotic and who respect the values which were imposed by the constitution written by the founding fathers. They tried to cheat and abuse the voting system by all means but the strike back was a huge kick in the butt. If Hillary and the Obama administration were not dividing Americans, we wouldn't be at where we are. Never forget that America was founded on christian values (Protestantism from German, Anglo Saxon and Dutch settlers, Orthodoxism from Russian settlers, Catholicism from Swedish and Nordic settlers way back in the 18th century) that the second amendment is and will remain forever part of the American constitution (whether you Johan dislike it), that Americans for the most of them dislike socialism and that Americans support their troops, their rights and their country beak and claws.


Staff member
The 200,000 more come from California and New York. Those states went for her so it stands to reason she may have a higher popular vote margin.

And by the way...

More butthurt from Hollywood

They are just people who never understood the sense of serving their country, they have never been in the army and never been into a war. Some actors like Clint Eastwood who were in the army understand the notion of honor, valor and selfless sacrifice. My two uncles served in Nam, one of my cousins served in the Gulf War in 1991 and another time in 1998 in Serbia and another of my cousins served in the second Gulf War in 2004 and another time in 2009 . If I hadn't the flat foot problem I would have done the military service which wasback then mandatory in France , but besides that I wanted to continue my stydies and I wanted to have a higher salary. I respect those who have served and who serve their country. They are the real heroes who put their line on duty every day.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Can any liberals/HRC supporters explain to me how your day to day life is going to be any different now that Trump is president? FFS stop the histrionics

QFT. I've made no bones about my feelings on Dear Leader and his shit policies but I've never really had any day-to-day worries except for the fear of a DOJ investigator crawling up my asshole if I popped someone in the line of duty.


Postal Paranoiac
The truth is this, and nothing more: This election says more about the American people than it does about either candidate. Whether we like it or not, the world IS looking at us and this. And they are going to develop an opinion AND a plan of action because of it. The War On Terror? So-called "legitimate immigrants" of Muslim belief will no longer consider America a safe haven like they did. In fact, I'd say the Taliban, ISIS and others have just potentially increased their chances of persuading MOTR Muslims. Fear of a reactive US President? It sure looks to me like military muscle has little effect on their overall operations. It's not the kind of war they fight. My guess is the world in general will react to Trump's obvious lack of experience and knowledge necessary for his position. He's the classic little rich boy who just won the pony show. I hope he surrounds himself with lots of talent.
The truth is this, and nothing more: This election says more about the American people than it does about either candidate. Whether we like it or not, the world IS looking at us and this. And they are going to develop an opinion AND a plan of action because of it. The War On Terror? So-called "legitimate immigrants" of Muslim belief will no longer consider America a safe haven like they did. In fact, I'd say the Taliban, ISIS and others have just potentially increased their chances of persuading MOTR Muslims. Fear of a reactive US President? It sure looks to me like military muscle has little effect on their overall operations. It's not the kind of war they fight. My guess is the world in general will react to Trump's obvious lack of experience and knowledge necessary for his position. He's the classic little rich boy who just won the pony show. I hope he surrounds himself with lots of talent.

Honestly, for the most part I couldn't care less what the majority of the outside world thinks about us Americans or how we run our show.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Trump deserves the same respect and support Republicans offered President Obama.

And THERE's the xfire I once had on ignore. I've never liked Obama and made no bones about it. I do respect the office, or rather, I used to respect the office. But I've always loathed his policies, background and education. Trump is inexperienced in politics, sure, but he'll wind up making a fair to great president once he undoes everything Obama touched.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
And THERE's the xfire I once had on ignore. I've never liked Obama and made no bones about it. I do respect the office, or rather, I used to respect the office. But I've always loathed his policies, background and education. Trump is inexperienced in politics, sure, but he'll wind up making a fair to great president once he undoes everything Obama touched.

Dude, really? I never knew you ever had me on ignore. :D

But see, you illustrate the great divide between Republicans and Democrats, Republicans came out of the gate running opposition to everything Obama proposed, they never tried to work with him. Democrats will try to work with Trump, I don't advocate what I posted in Post #2554, I was just trolling my conservatives friends here. Because of the difference in opposition philosophy, Democrats won't try to deny Trump a successful presidency.
Trump deserves the same respect and support Republicans offered President Obama.

I'm fine with it.

Liberals/leftists have always been shamelessly classless in everything they've been about. Self righteous god damn assholes who label you a "racist" or "chauvinist" or "bigot" if you are even slightly right of their fascist worldview of things. Cultural marxist "tolerant" types who aren't tolerant at all of differing opinions from their progressivist ram-down-our-throats horse manure.

As I said earlier in this thread, the butthurt that will be displayed by elitist leftists and the left in general is going to be pure entertainment from my perspective. I would have paid to see it, but it's already fantastic, and will be great fun over the next 4-8 years.

It's our turn now to have the last laugh.

Yeah. Mind their own fucked up countries.

Considering how absurdly left-leaning the vast majority of the rest of the West has gone, none of them are any sort of example I would want anything to do with. Finally change seems to be on the horizon throughout the West now though, with right-wing groups starting to pop up throughout Europe and movements like "Brexit" taking place. The open door madness going on in Europe - essentially the recolonization via foreign hordes - that seems to be a big part of it.