The party's over for me friends. I had a gift once. A gift for coming here, dropping some knowledge about College Football on all of yer candy asses. Tellin' you knuckleheads which team would ~iMpLoDe~ and which team would win it all. At one point I felt like this guy a little bit...
But tonight's cal result has me rocked. How the hell can my Rose Bowl and Pac10 pick get worked over by fucking Nevada like they did
:surprise: That kind of result gets a coach already on the hot seat fired on the plane ride home...
Which one of you Jabroneys messed with my ~mojo~?
I think USC's NCAA smackdown has cast a stinkcloud that I have somehow fallen under...:weeping: Everything I think will happen doesn't happen...things I can't see ever cal getting rolled like this tonight...happen :weeping:'...

But tonight's cal result has me rocked. How the hell can my Rose Bowl and Pac10 pick get worked over by fucking Nevada like they did
Which one of you Jabroneys messed with my ~mojo~?

I think USC's NCAA smackdown has cast a stinkcloud that I have somehow fallen under...:weeping: Everything I think will happen doesn't happen...things I can't see ever cal getting rolled like this tonight...happen :weeping:'...