2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

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Lost at Birth
As much as I love to hate the Trojans, what the NCAA did to USC is bullshit.

30 scholarships is a heavy loss. kiffin is probably thinking tennessee is looking a lot better now. all in all it was beyond a slap on the wrist. i'm really surprised by the ruling. post season ban hurts the whole conference money wise. :( perhaps we can get texas over here sooner as opposed to later and sponge of it's post season earnings lol

the heisman trust regents is discussing Bush's trophy. Do you guys think Bush should be stripped of the trophy since he was ineligible? I'm inclined to agree with Archie Griffin on the issue and say he should keep it.

should reggie keep his trinket?
You think so? Seems they made some pretty bad decisions too. Why do you think it bullshit?

Because it was only one player who cheated. It's not like it was rampant.

Two year bowl ban and 30 scholarships seems way too harsh to me.

On another note, would Nebraska be leaving the Big 12 if the refs had not helped Texas get in the NC game by putting a second back on the clock in the Big 12 Championship game?


Lost at Birth
Because it was only one player who cheated. It's not like it was rampant.

Two year bowl ban and 30 scholarships seems way too harsh to me.

On another note, would Nebraska be leaving the Big 12 if the refs had not helped Texas get in the NC game by putting a second back on the clock in the Big 12 Championship game?

good question. nebraska had another feud with UT on partial academic qualifications and i think that was the final nail in the coffin. seems like the big 12 north really never warmed up to the swagger that is UT.

there's a couple of articles already coming out now on potential PAC 16 as UT's regents meet next week to discuss their position. the next few weeks are going to be interesting and the summer wait for college ball just got entertaining.


Lost at Birth
Tend to agree.

honestly i was very surprised at the sanctions. i know the NCAA is trying to show it still has teeth but this tended to be a bit over the top. the post season ban isn't too big but damn.....30 schollies??? jeez, coach orgeron is known as a magic worker on recruiting, so nows a perfect time for him to prove it. every single recruit they get for the next three years is just as important as their top recruit with no room for error. that's a killer.

mississippi state under jackie sherrill had far bigger infractions in comparison and they didn't get a slap on the wrist, they got tickled on the buttocks. the ncaa's wrath is fickle at best.
I don't know who to blame or think the most ill of--Reggie Bush and OJ Mayo or Pete Carroll. Tim Floyd figured out that SC is a lameduck basketball program, and all he wanted was to get into the NCAA Tourney one way or another, so shredding the integrity of SC Hoops (by signing with a straight face OJ Mayo) was a very small price for him to pay. Kevin O'Neil believes he is destined for a Basketball Power job someday and him coming to USC, riding out the dark clouds, and rebuilding his coaching record and "rebuilding" a bball program from the very bottom to something decent maybe in 2012 makes the case for him to become the next coach at Kansas or Kentucky when Bill Self and Calipari leave for the NBA. Our bball program will be much better for the next 2-3 years with choir boy Kevin O'Neil than with the Gutter Rat Tim Floyd.

USC Football could go down far. Miami and Bama sunk pretty low once they had similar NCAA Sanctions. It took Bama awhile to get back to the NC. Miami still hasn't recaptured the glory but seem poised to do SOMETHING big this season. USC can do the 1993 Auburn thing (it's US against THE WORLD!) for this season but they can't do that for 2 years. It's not like we have a talisman coach to guide us through the dark times either. We have a snakey weasel Uriah Heep type as Head Coach.

In my view, I don't give a shit about the Bowl games. That doesn't mean anything in the long run. I am bitter to have the 2004-2005 season wiped away. I am bitter that Reggie Bush turned out to be a skell of a human being. I hope he fails miserably the rest of his NFL career. He was just as greedy and foolish as his parents. Sure, the dirtbag agent brought all this mess about but the agent can't act without consent from Reggie and the parents. Fuck You Reggie. Enjoy the millions, bitch. Feel free to never come back to Heritage Hall when you're a broken down loser living on the streets in about 10 years.

The scholarships are the real problem. We'll be lucky to be 7-5 with the scholarship losses. Injuries happen to every team and those scholarships wipe away our depth for the next 3 years basically.

I would tell the Juniors and Seniors to transfer immediately anywhere they want to--even within the conference-- so they can finish out their careers without the stain of sanctions. Freshman and Sophmores should gut it out. USC can still be in the spotlight with big regular season wins. It's not like NFL scouts will forget where Howard Jones practice field is.

When Pete Carroll came to USC maybe 5 people in the Trojan World wanted him. I wasn't one of them. I remembered how mediocre he was with the Jets and the Patriots. He had no connection to SC or college football. He and Norm Chow turned USC into the greatest contemporary college juggernaut that we've seen, something reminiscent of ND in the 40s, Oklahoma in the 50s, etc. So all the glory from 2002-2008 basically gets wiped away because it was all a fraud. Maybe the fraud was committed by 1 star player but the coaches chose to look the other way and now it's time to face the music. To leave USC for Seattle? Seriously. That's a joke, Pete. Quit trying to sprinkle sugar on the bullshit.

I only wish that Pete Carroll earned a lifetime head coaching ban from college football and that the USC Trustees asked for Mike Garrett's resignation.

I am embarrassed and nauseated by Mike Garrett's public reaction in San Francisco to the sanctions. USC is NOT above everyone else. Maybe if that moron showed some actual humility we would'nt have been bent over by the NCAA.

Just because Garrett was an athletic legend for USC DOES NOT shield him from criticism. He is clearly an "Emperor with New Clothes" and it's time to take down the Emperor.

A complete fresh start is needed.
Well i was reading about Nebraska over on ESPN and they where saying that Texas was going to try and save the big 12 first before deciding to move to a different conference. wouldn't be funny if Notre Dame said no to the Big 10 and said yes to the Big12.
by the way this is all about money tradition means nothing nowadays


Texas gets a bigger share of Big 12 Revenue, not surprising it wants to save this deal. They would get a equal share in the Big 10 or Pac 10 I am pretty sure.
Miami still hasn't recaptured the glory but seem poised to do SOMETHING big this season.

Actually they did after their sanctions....they won a title since and have competed for a couple others in a 3 year stretch.
Texas gets a bigger share of Big 12 Revenue, not surprising it wants to save this deal. They would get a equal share in the Big 10 or Pac 10 I am pretty sure.

Texas' desire to bolt is one of the main reasons the Big XII got into trouble in the first place.

They originally shopped their school to the Big Ten in the '90s.
Because it was only one player who cheated. It's not like it was rampant.

Yes, but Reggie Bush was also a historically great college football player and was a VERY integral part of USC's success when he was there. It's not like he was some back up punter that sat on the bench the whole season and had nothing to do with the teams success. I have a hard time believing the team would have done just as well without him.

As far as the punishment goes I'm divided.

On one hand, thinking that college football is some amateur endeavor is stupid and nobody inside or outside of football is dumb enough to believe that anymore. The players are exploited and bring in millions upon millions of dollars for the system that for all practice purposes they are forced to go through if they want to play professionally at the highest level. A lot of people that would be getting a lot more in compensation are forced to go through a rigged system between not only a collective trust from most of the large institutions of higher learning around the country but also from their tacit agreements with the NFL. They do it while performing an activity where injury is common. All those places have no problem treating it like a business or paying a large number of coaches millions of dollars a year. This while the NCAA all pretends it's for amateur sports and education. The fact most of the entities that make up it are heavily subsidized by the government to help them exist makes it all the worse. Any amateur aspects of it disappeared a long time ago, and the charade by the powers that be in the system is keep up to maintain their unfair privileged position and to rake in the cash.

On the other hand, the rules are the rules and no matter how stupid they are it's very unfair to have the people following them having large disadvantages over people who don't. It's better to just get rid of the stupid rules than have a portion of the people, who agree to play under the rules, decide to break them.
When Pete Carroll came to USC maybe 5 people in the Trojan World wanted him. I wasn't one of them.

Neither was Mike Garrett.
But he sure rode his coat-tails these last several years.

I agree TR, Garrett must go. Other than holding his nose while hiring Carroll what else has he achieved? :dunno:

Oh wait.......he DID hire Paul Hackett :eek: :eek:


Postal Paranoiac
Texas will join Notre Dame as an Independent. That is my prediction. :helpme:
Yeah, I remember that too. I think I had it in my mind that Miami went from losing to OSU in the Fiesta to falling out of the top 25 the next season and all subsequent seasons..:o That's not exactly what happened although it feels like it did :o
ESPN is reporting Texas, TTech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State will join Pac 10 officially by Tuesday. Texas A&M is torn between Pac 10 and SEC.

If A&M goes to the SEC (have they even expressed interest in A&M? :rolleyes: I kinda think A&M would be the SEC's 6th choice behind an FSU/Miami package deal...than GTech and the Virginia schools...)

A&M should be LUCKY to be in this deal...:thefinger talk about "fallen powers" :rolleyes:
Other than holding his nose while hiring Carroll what else has he achieved? :dunno:

Oh wait.......he DID hire Paul Hackett :eek: :eek:

Technically, he said to Pete, "Well, someone has to coach us. I've been rejected by Belotti, Mike Riley, Dennis Erickson, and Lou Holtz. :)rolleyes:) Who are you again?"

Mike Garrett should get credit for turning ucla baseball into a national power by ruining USC Baseball.
Yes, but Reggie Bush was also a historically great college football player and was a VERY integral part of USC's success when he was there. It's not like he was some back up punter that sat on the bench the whole season and had nothing to do with the teams success. I have a hard time believing the team would have done just as well without him.

Maybe so but the NCAA is punishing them for a per se act....not because of how the player helped them.

Theoretically USC would have been subject to the same sanctions if a backup punter exposed them to the same violations.
ESPN is reporting Texas, TTech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State will join Pac 10 officially by Tuesday.

UCLA is already hosting Texas at the Rose Bowl on September 17th.
If the merger takes, I presume that would then be considered a conference game?
.....except it would unbalance the Bruin's conference schedule, so.... :dunno:

I've always been adamantly against expanding the Pac 10, but I'll grudgingly admit those four teams plus Colorado and A&M ? split into two geographical divisions could make for a real interesting conference.

I still don't want to see the Pac 10 adding teams like Utah, UCSD, Hawaii, or even Brigham Young. No thanks. Either aim high or don't fire at all.

Technically, he said to Pete, "Well, someone has to coach us. I've been rejected by Belotti, Mike Riley, Dennis Erickson, and Lou Holtz. :)rolleyes:) Who are you again?"

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