Rourke got robbed big time. Penn was great, but Rourke deserved that award.
It was good to see Kate Winslet finally win one after so long. She really deserved that one, and I'm sure she's going to win more.
And Zell, I so won that bet.
Yup,you did.
I thought that Slumdog was a good movie,but I didn't think it would win mainly because as I was watching it,I couldn't understand some of the dialogue.
I haven't seen Benjamin Button yet,but from what I hear,it's pretty good.
I guess The Academy gave Sean Penn the award to make up for I Am Sam.
Now that it's over,all I can really say is that The Dark Knight got super jobbed.Slumdog was good,but The Dark Knight was a far superior movie on every level.For it not to even be nominated is just an atrocity.How does the second highest grossing movie of all time not even get nominate?:dunno: