2009 Oscar Predictions


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Ha ha...

Nope. The Oscar went to Penelope Cruz instead of Amy Adams...

Ha!Well,I guess that confirms it's lack of authenticity,not that I though that it was real anyway.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Heath Ledger won the Oscar for The Dark Knight!


Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
I am happy for Heath Ledger and his family,he definitely deserve it cause he did an incredible job as the joker.Its sad that he is not hear to accept it but not for one moment do I think he won because he died.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I wish they brought up his daughter with them so she could accept the award, but I suppose she would be too young.
What I always found funny is that fact that there are normal people out there that have nothing to do with acting or Hollywood, yet they like having Oscar parties for some reason like it's the Superbowl.
What I always found funny is that fact that there are normal people out there that have nothing to do with acting or Hollywood, yet they like having Oscar parties for some reason like it's the Superbowl.

Well by that rationale,the same can be said about people having Superbowl parties as well.How many people do you know that are employed by the NFL or have been on a professional team in any capacity?

I'll admit,I think it's kinda ridiculous to have an Oscar party,but if you think about it,movies will generate more money than the Superbowl can ever dream about,so having a party for it doesn't really seem that weird.Unusual,but not weird.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
How many people do you know that are employed by the NFL or have been on a professional team in any capacity?

My step-sister's husband's sister was employed by the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Pittsburgh Penguins.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Hey, hey... An Oscar party is just an excuse to get drunk...

Just... In a much nicer place then the local pub.


Closed Account
They are really moving this show quickly. Im not saying the Oscars should be 5 hours, but they could atleast slow it down tad bit.


Postal Paranoiac
Nah...I'll just monitor my predictions and call it a night...all without a Gucci handbag and a $2000 plate dinner. So far I'm 1-1. :hatsoff:


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Sean Penn won the Best Actor Oscar!!!!

Honestly, Mickey Rourke wasn't that convincing to me. I'm glad Sean Penn won because let's face it, he's one of the best actors ever.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Rourke got robbed big time. Penn was great, but Rourke deserved that award.

It was good to see Kate Winslet finally win one after so long. She really deserved that one, and I'm sure she's going to win more.

And Zell, I so won that bet.


Closed Account
I liked Winslet's winning speech. About Slumdog, I'm still unsure as to why it won best picture? It was a good movie, but it wasnt that great.
Rourke got robbed big time. Penn was great, but Rourke deserved that award.

It was good to see Kate Winslet finally win one after so long. She really deserved that one, and I'm sure she's going to win more.

And Zell, I so won that bet.

Yup,you did.

I thought that Slumdog was a good movie,but I didn't think it would win mainly because as I was watching it,I couldn't understand some of the dialogue.

I haven't seen Benjamin Button yet,but from what I hear,it's pretty good.

I guess The Academy gave Sean Penn the award to make up for I Am Sam.

Now that it's over,all I can really say is that The Dark Knight got super jobbed.Slumdog was good,but The Dark Knight was a far superior movie on every level.For it not to even be nominated is just an atrocity.How does the second highest grossing movie of all time not even get nominate?:dunno:
And how the fuck does Benjamin button win best visual effects?:wtf:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
And how the fuck does Benjamin button win best visual effects?:wtf:

I really though Iron Man was going to win that. Though it is kind of understandable Button won it. There was alot of effects that went into putting Pitt's face on everything. It's the second year in a row that the Visual Effects Oscar went to a movie that made me go "WTF"...