i don't feel sorry for most so called poor people.
Most are poor because they are lazy.
Yeah because poor people are just poor because they choose to be.

The thought there are people that can bring themselves to belive that is mind-boggling. Good God, actually think about what you said for a second. While there are a minority of people that abuse the system most of that belief is just bull shit rationalizing to try and make your position something that seems just or to deflect the selfishness of it.
For almost 50 years now the GOV has paid people for having kids they can't afford and support.
Most of those kids grow up to do the same, so now we have what we have 2010.
Does anyone realize the anual cost of that??
The results, more poor people.
But also during this time the working, responsible people have not reproduced as much as before, they are simply working to much to raise a family let alone meet a partner. plus the stress of all that work and financial worry destroys a lot of couples.
The results, more burden for the middle class to bear.
Wouldn't the the smartest solution to that be to make sure everybody had a job that paid a true living wage that wanted one where they could support a family? That way there would be no welfare for people that had kids they couldn't support, and people that worked hard would be able to support a family. It would also get rid of stress and financial worry. Yet whenever somebody even thinks of things like that people like you scream about socialism, even if it's completely logical.
Where do you want it redistributed fk?
downwards? as if thats not been happening since the 60's?
I don't know just what world you live in or where your getting your facts, but that's 100% absolutely positively completely utterly false. There is nothing...NOTHING that supports that. There are huge mountains of evidence that clearly show the opposite. That's about as far opposite from the truth as it can get, and one can't believe that without having no grasp of reality.
I think its interesting, first off, how the article fails to mention how that same top 1% also pays more than 1/3 of the total personal income taxes in the country as well
Your whole argument falls on a very extremely flawed and narrow look at things that relies on selectively used evidence (some would call it cherry picking) that is often used by people trying to make the case that the rich pay more than everybody else and pay more than they should, and that is you only look at federal income tax. Unfortunately, for all those poorer people out there than them, which is most people, there are a lot more taxes than federal income tax. Once you count things like state income taxes, sales taxes, social security taxes, Medicare, and everything down to taxes on gas and other stuff that the rich don't need any more of than anybody else the rich end up paying around the same amount of every dollar they make as much of the middle class if not the poor in this country, even though they rightfully should pay more. Focusing on federal income tax is jut a way they use to gloss over that fact. That's why Warren Buffet can legitimately claim that the pays less per dollar he makes in taxes than his secretary. It's even worse when one counts that the rich also have ways of accumulating large amounts of wealth that most others don't have that aren't taxed at nearly the same rate, like owning large numbers of stocks and other things. All that still doesn't even take into account the rich can have whole financial and law firms working for them to hide their wealth for find tax shelters that aren't available to normal people.
Yeah, let's overthrow this whole damn capitalist system and replace it with......
Communism? Has it ever worked? Has it even been achieved? If it's such a great system, why hasn't it worked already somewhere else? Would it work here in the U.S.? And if so, why? Oh, I know the answer to that one, "because we progressives in this country are smarter and better and more intellectually superior and more philosophical and more sophisticated and more caring and more humble (sorry, I just had to add that one) than any of the other mongrel races that have tried it. And did I mention that we're smarter?"
Communism hasn't ever really been tried in any significant way by a country with a decent amount of resources. There was a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy called the USSR that tried to pass itself off as "communistic" but that was just a lie to cover the fact they were a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy. China uses a similar system now except it pretends to be communistic even less. It's really just a capitalistic system run by a one party totalitarian government. Communism is an economic system that has never actually been seriously implemented and for some reason it gets put in with and labeled with the unethical and evil regimes that didn't really use it.
I believe that if true communism had been brought about by a country that cared more about it's people and wasn't totalitarian and brutal in nature more of the world, including us, would look a lot more favorably on it today and I believe it would have worked out. That's not to say I don't have problems with it, or don't think there are good things about capitalism, but I want a heavily modified capitalism with strong socialist tendencies that makes thing fair and ethical for all involved at least where we don't let the poorest of us fall past a certain point. A true measure of a country is how it treats is poorest people not it's riches.
As far as your question of whether it would it work in the US. Sure, there's no reason it couldn't once we get passes the greed and selfishness that have permeated US culture so we would care about more than individual self interest.
Of course I could also point out that capitalism as far as what it's supposed to do has never really worked or been achieved either. It hasn't made the world a better place. It's not something that makes things fair or something that works for the betterment of everybody. Even it's few strengths, competition and innovation, are highly exaggerated in how much it effects them and brings them about. The only way capitalism "works" is if somebody believes that by "work" it highly concentrates wealth and power into the hands of the few at the expense of everybody else. That's it's primary function.
European style socialism? As Margaret Thatcher once put it "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money". Which is what's happening in Europe. Americans are considered to be dumber than Europeans anyway, and looking at the economic situation in Europe, particularly Greece as a view into the future of what that (idiotic) economic system will bring to the countries that try it, it seems that not even the smart kids over there can make it work, so if my "progressive" friends here actually succeed in implementing a system like that in this country, their contribution will be seen by the rest of the world, not as a sophisticated European economic model, but as nothing more than TRAILER PARK SOCIALISM!!
I would argue that their biggest problems right now and the reason they are in so much trouble is that 1. They got more capitalist in recent history 2. Like us they are starting to compete in the "global economy" and have to compete with people that don't mind using the near lowest most unethical methods that deprive human dignity to gain economic success. 3. They have leaders just as corrupt as ours.
Then again we aren't doing so hot economically either so maybe you should worry about the glass house you live in while throwing stones.
Plus, people like you conveniently neglect success from that system like from Scandinavian countries or success from countries that operate like China. Golly gee somehow I don't think you want to move more in the direction of what China is like. It seems that in both respects your reasoning doesn't hold water.
A whole new economic system doesn't need to show up we just need the wherewithal to go through the ones that already exist and don't focus on greed.
I live in the US and from where I sitting the middle class is humming along.
This isn't Equatorial Guinea where 99 percent of the people live in abject poverty while the 1% live like kings.
As for Communism, notice how every former commie state had a ruling elite who had special stores, summer homes, travel etc while the majority had to live with crap..............yeop communism was sooooo great.
Enjoy it while it last, the middle class is shrinking every day. Despite what some people here might want to believe the rich are taking most of that portion of the wealth. It's not going to the poor. As far as the former "communist" countries are concerned you can't judge an economic system by what a corrupt political system does. Communism isn't mutually inclusive with that.
To say that Reagan weakend the economy is simply wrong.
No it isn't. Reagan just mortgaged our future to enhance the economy back then and used one time tricks that can pretty much never be used again that hurt us today and will continue long from now. It's effect weren't felt in full force right away, and had a more insidious effect on America. Reagan built up debt, raided social security, had policies that shifted wealth to the rich more than anybody else if you count what his effects did after him. Plus, once he lowered taxes on the rich there is pretty much no where else to go to lower them again to get his artificial quick boost. It's not like anybody in the future can magically lower taxes to negative numbers to achieve the same effect. The relative amount of earning for most people didn't even go up because him. Even people at the 90% of wealth didn't really see any effect. For over half the country it went down. If you are among the rich you might love Reagan. If your anybody else you would have to be naive to believe he did any good for you.