The point you fail to grasp is that while the numbers you quote are indeed similar at the same point into their presidencies (and now PLEASE pay attention because I'm not repeating myself to fucking 'tards anymore), the numbers are trending in opposite directions. Obama's policies are sinking us further into oblivion. Regan's numbers from 1983 (which you cite) and 1984 (which you don't) show improvement. How else do you explain his landslide victory in 1984 -- despite America's chance to elect the first female vice president? And remember, there was no FoxNews back then to "brainwash" the masses.

Regarding your obsession with my siggy....
Seems like you're just typing just to keep from not responding now...:1orglaugh.
The unemployment numbers under Reagan did virtually the same things as they are doing now. They didn't go consistently up or consistently down monthly under either president. Some months they ticked up by tenths of a point and some months they ticked down by tenths of a point. Overall, they trended upwardly for both presidents over the exact same span of time (2.5 years). Actually I lied. The numbers trended upwardly for Reagan for over 2 years but only did so under Obama for about his first year and are trending down overall now.
Reagan's were frankly worse. Before Reagan's u/e numbers ultimately topped out at 10.80 pct. in Nov and Dec of '82 there were months where it went down by 1 or 2 tenths of a point even though the overall trend was up. So to look at an increase in by a tenth or 2 now from one month to the next and conclude it's getting worse when the overall trend is down now is quite naive (IMO:tongue

.:2 cents:
Cases in point the u/e rate was 9.4 in Dec ('10) it's 9.1 now....but it was 10.00 in Dec. of 2009. And in either case it looks like overall it topped out at 10.10 in Oct. 2009.
Similarly under Reagan even though the rate trended upward over his first 2.5 years it didn't go up consistently each month. Some months it went up by a tenth or 2...some months it went down by a tenth or 2. It's the same thing we have now. It's gone up by a few tenths but it's nowhere near the 10.1 it was over a year ago.
Never mind the fact that Obama inherited a worse situation by most reasonable accounts.
But you know...FOs doesn't have a way to embed picture books right now so this is the best I can do for you;
This is all in the context of the GOPer ad criticizing Obama as a failure on the economy. So again, let's actually look at the unemployment numbers for both;
Obama: Inherited - Jan 2009,
7.8 pct
Reagan: Inherited - Jan 1981
7.5 pct
Obama: highest u/e rate - Oct 2009
10.10 (9 month mark in his 1st term)
Reagan: highest u/e rate - Nov & Dec 1982
10.80 (1 year, 11 and 12 month mark in his 1st term)
Obama: total months u/e over 10 pct. -
3, Oct, Nov, Dec 2009
Reagan: total months u/e over 10 pct. -
10, Sept 1982 - Jun 1983
Obama: 2.5 year mark u/e rate -
Reagan: 2.5 year mark u/e rate -
With numbers like that again I ask, where was the outrage??

I know I know's down under Obama from 10.1 to 9.1 but people are pissed because it's gone up a tenth since last month.

:1orglaugh (Never mind the fact that it's down 3 tenths of a point overall since Dec.
