What ever happened to celebrating diversity of thought you pompous textbook read government dependent babies! Sheesh, if you fox haters had it your way we'd all be living off of the minimums of government general assistance like your single parent mothers were when they raised you.
So tell us, what are you anti American neo gen socialists going to do with your lives when it comes time to put down the video game joy stick, move away from mum and get a life of your own? Will you ever become men in this world, ya know, maybe settle down, hook up with a woman, get married, have a kid or two, get a real job that produces real wealth to help pay down our multiple trillion dollar debt or are you going to remain single all of your lives, hook up with chicks only when lucky, play video games well into your thirties whilst seeking out every possible means of obtaining benefits of which you shouldn't be entitled to (if we had a sane government) and further compound this nation's debt into the twenty to thirty trillion dollar range?
The latter of course, what other lifestyle do you know besides the one of entitlement and government guidance at every step?
It's just h-o-p-e-l-e-s-s!
BTW, for the last ten - fifteen years I average about fifteen - thirty minutes a week watching television and it's usually in passing while I'm busy doing something more important.
I'm a BIG fan of fox news here as you can see. º-0

The latter of course, what other lifestyle do you know besides the one of entitlement and government guidance at every step?
It's just h-o-p-e-l-e-s-s!
BTW, for the last ten - fifteen years I average about fifteen - thirty minutes a week watching television and it's usually in passing while I'm busy doing something more important.
I'm a BIG fan of fox news here as you can see. º-0