12 U.S. soldiers face trial after Afghan civilians 'were killed for sport and...

...their fingers collected as trophies'

If found guilty of these crimes I hope they get the death penalty. An embarassment to the USA both as a country and her professional military. Kudos to the guy who outed them, you don't even hear of the Taliban taking body parts as trophies. I expect a lot of posts defending these guys but they are not what the coalition and the west stand for and we need to eradicate this disease from our midst. ps This article is from a right wing, pro war and generally anti-muslim tabloid.


Twelve U.S. soldiers face trial after Afghan civilians 'were killed for sport and their fingers collected as trophies'

A dozen US soldiers are facing trail accused of being part of a 'kill team' that allegedly killed Afghan civilians in an arbitrary fashion - and they even collected their victims' fingers as trophies of war.

Five soldiers have been charged with the killing three Afghan men 'for sport'. And seven more are accused of covering up the murders.

In one of the most serious accusations of war crimes to come out of the Afghan war, the deaths are alleged to have been carried out by members of a Stryker infantry brigade based in Kandahar province, southern Afghanistan.

But the father of one of the five accused of murder said today he tried to warn the Army that troops in his son's unit had killed civilians.


Emma and Christopher Winfield's son Adam, 22, tried to to tell the Army about the civilian killings but his words and fears fell on deaf ears, according to his parents

By the time suspects were arrested in May, two more Afghans were dead.

Christopher Winfield said his son Adam, 22, was so disgusted after the first killing that he sent Facebook messages home asking for help.

Winfield called the Army and a military hot line asking officials to investigate - to no avail.

His son's lawyer said he was ordered to shoot at the third victim but deliberately shot high.

An Army spokeswoman declined to comment about whether the base received any tips about the case.

The new details about Winfield's efforts to alert the Army and his son's pleas raised questions about the Army's handling of the case and its system for allowing soldiers to report misconduct by their colleagues.

The soldiers have been accused of conspiracy and premeditated murder.

The highest ranking of them is Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, who, with Cpl. Jeremy Morlock, are accused of taking part in all three killings.

Pte Andrew Holmes is charged with murder in the first killing, and Specialist Michael Wagnon is charged in another. Both deny the charges.

Winfield is charged with murder in the final killing, and his lawyer insists he was ordered to shoot after Gibbs hit the civilian with a grenade. Winfield deliberately shot high and missed, he said.

Gibbs has denied the charges. His lawyer said his client maintains that the shootings were 'appropriate engagements' and denies involvement in any conspiracy to kill civilians.

The soldiers, all assigned to the 5th Stryker Brigade, deployed in July 2009 and were stationed at a base in Kandahar Province.

Gibbs, 25, arrived in the unit late last year and soon began discussing how easy it would be to kill civilians, some in the platoon told Army investigators.

The first indication for Christopher Winfield and his wife, Emma, that something was amiss came on January 15, the day of the first killing.

'I'm not sure what to do about something that happened out here, but I need to be secretive about this,' their son wrote them in a Facebook message.

On February 14, he told his parents what happened in a lengthy internet chat: Members of his unit on patrol had killed 'some innocent guy about my age just farming.'

He said he did not witness the killing.

But, he wrote, those involved told him about it and urged him to 'get one of my own.'

He said that virtually everyone in the platoon was aware of what was going on, but no one seemed to object.

He added: 'If you talk to anyone on my behalf, I have proof that they are planning another one in the form of an AK-47 they want to drop on a guy.'

He continued that he didn't know who to trust and feared for his safety if his comrades learned he was talking to authorities.

'Should I do the right thing and put myself in danger for it. Or just shut up and deal with it,' he asked his parents.

'There are no more good men left here. It eats away at my conscience everyday.'

In statements to investigators, at least three platoon members said Gibbs directly threatened Winfield.

One soldier, Private first class Justin Stoner, who reported hashish smoking in the unit, said he was beaten by several platoon members.

Gibbs and Morlock then paid him a visit, with Gibbs rolling out on the floor a set of severed fingers, he told investigators.

Morlock told him that 'if I don't want to end up like that guy ... shut the hell up.'

The killings eventually came to light when the soldier who had reported the drug use told investigators that Morlock 'had three prior kills that none of which I believe were actually justified.'

Preliminary hearings in the case are expected to begin this autumn.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I didn't read the article, but I have no problem with shooting Afghans for sport. I wish we could do it here with poor people...
... you don't even hear of the Taliban taking body parts as trophies...

Oh, no?


Not defending the actions of these U.S. soldiers, but "you don't even hear of the Taliban taking body parts as trophies?" ... Really?
Oh, no?

Not defending the actions of these U.S. soldiers, but "you don't even hear of the Taliban taking body parts as trophies?" ... Really?

Although equally grusome that's more about insulting the dead by putting them under your feet and to serve as a deterrent for others, they won't literally keep the heads with them at all times as a sort of body count. I guess you can say they both display body parts but for completely different reasons, although we've come to suspect this sort of shit from the radicals because they are raised in a barbaric environment, you can't say the same of coalition troops.


Oh, no?


Not defending the actions of these U.S. soldiers, but "you don't even hear of the Taliban taking body parts as trophies?" ... Really?

that link say "sheikyermami.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/iran_beheadings_atlas_1.jpg

are they actually the taliban's victims or Iran's?
This actually happens in a lot of wars. It happened in Vietnam, WWII, and probably a lot of other wars. I believe it happens because it's a sort of defense mechanism that soldiers experience. By seeing these people as just nothing more than awards or trophies, it helps them cope with their "job" which is to kill people. Sometimes they just snap and take it out on the wrong people (non-combatants) because, especially for this war, it is hard to differentiate civilians from enemy soldiers due to dressing alike so it's hard for them to tell who is who.

It's also pretty naive to assume the enemy soldiers aren't doing the same with our soldiers.
This actually happens in a lot of wars. It happened in Vietnam, WWII, and probably a lot of other wars. I believe it happens because it's a sort of defense mechanism that soldiers experience. By seeing these people as just nothing more than awards or trophies, it helps them cope with their "job" which is to kill people. Sometimes they just snap and take it out on the wrong people (non-combatants) because, especially for this war, it is hard to differentiate civilians from enemy soldiers due to dressing alike so it's hard for them to tell who is who.

It's also pretty naive to assume the enemy soldiers aren't doing the same with our soldiers.

I'm sure they are but we are supposed to hold the moral and ethical high ground. Actions like these will only tarnish the image of the US military, make it harder to win the hearts and minds of the Afghans and probably add recruitment and support for the Taliban and ultimately Al-Qeada or similar militant groups.
that link say "sheikyermami.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/iran_beheadings_atlas_1.jpg

are they actually the taliban's victims or Iran's?

I'm not really sure, its more of a symbolic picture than anything else. The site that the pic was on talked a lot about the Taliban, but I'm not positive. Point being, the ceremonious way that the Taliban goes about beheading infidels, even if not for "trophy" sake, is spectacle enough, in my mind, to constitute a parity of symbolism. :2 cents:
I didn't read the article, but I have no problem with shooting Afghans for sport. I wish we could do it here with poor people...

Not defending the actions of these U.S. soldiers, but "you don't even hear of the Taliban taking body parts as trophies?" ... Really?
Talibans beeing doesn't give right to the US to be cruel as well.

Fighting against barbarians isn't about becoming barbarians as well !

If the US army starts acting like tha talibans, they become no better thn them.
This actually happens in a lot of wars. It happened in Vietnam, WWII, and probably a lot of other wars. I believe it happens because it's a sort of defense mechanism that soldiers experience. By seeing these people as just nothing more than awards or trophies, it helps them cope with their "job" which is to kill people. Sometimes they just snap and take it out on the wrong people (non-combatants) because, especially for this war, it is hard to differentiate civilians from enemy soldiers due to dressing alike so it's hard for them to tell who is who.

It's also pretty naive to assume the enemy soldiers aren't doing the same with our soldiers.

Absolutely true sans atrocities. Most people are not cut out for killing other human beings. Especially up close. Otherwise we'd all be sociopaths.

For most people, killing must take the form of objectification where the person being killed represents something worse in the mind of the killer than the act itself is.

That is the simple psychology of turning the average person into a soldier willing to kill (often) but allow the person theoretically to return to a normal life afterwards.
Although equally grusome that's more about insulting the dead by putting them under your feet and to serve as a deterrent for others, they won't literally keep the heads with them at all times as a sort of body count. I guess you can say they both display body parts but for completely different reasons, although we've come to suspect this sort of shit from the radicals because they are raised in a barbaric environment, you can't say the same of coalition troops.

Stop being an apologist for those bearded apes.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
That's no way to run a COIN op :facepalm:
If anyone wants me to name any books that I have detailing instances not dissimilar to this, lemme know.
Stop being an apologist for those bearded apes.

Thats it totally avoid what the whole post is actually about or are you being an apologist for these troops? I thought the coalition was going over there to make the country more civilised, not let the country make them more barbaric :dunno:
Were they bad men?
If so, who cares?

Do you think the US military would actually charge their own if there was no real evidence that those killed were innocent? The military would do its best to sweep this under the carpet but to actually charge these troops means there must be some pretty damning evidence, they're a disgrace to their fellow soldiers who will probably face repisal attacks as a result of their actions.
Thats it totally avoid what the whole post is actually about or are you being an apologist for these troops? I thought the coalition was going over there to make the country more civilised, not let the country make them more barbaric :dunno:

Some guys are going to snap. It's no excuse and these soldiers need to be tried for this.

Muslims cutting off heads is no excuse either.
This endangers American troops and civilians more than GeneriCons burning Korans