$100.00+ per 200 cigs in NY


[ . . in New York City which has the highest tobacco taxes in the nation, a carton of cigarettes now costs more than $100.
A hundred bucks a carton ? sheesh, I remember when they were something in the order of $15.99 per cart. Don't ask me how I remember this, I just do. I have never bought a carton in my entire life. Never plan to either.
This astronomical tax is, IMO, another version of the camel's nose in the tent, if there isn't much outcry from the public you don't think that the gumment would levy taxes on cartons of ice cream or other "Sin Foods" ?
Nightly Business Report discussion
you can't even get a can of soda or a candy bar for under a buck in most places. 50 cents for a smoke doesn't seem that high to me.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Hey I bought a pack of Marlboros yesterday and it was $5.51 here.


Is somewhere outhere.
When I was in Dubai I got carton for £8 out of the airport.I expect to see
lot of ciggies being sold on the black market now.


Land Of The Snakes
When I was in Dubai I got carton for £8 out of the airport.I expect to see
lot of ciggies being sold on the black market now.

i don't smoke but that's what alot of people have been doing for years over here. buying it on the black market they don't want to pay regular price.
I know a guy who buys his smokes from Russia.
Some online store and he gets them for 18 a carton....I believe it's actually 15+ change but 18 with shipping.

I think you have to buy 6 cartons...or they ship 6 at a time. I don't remember now but it is the same smokes as back here in the US...they just have funky foreign writing on them.

It is legal might I add.


i don't smoke but that's what alot of people have been doing for years over here. buying it on the black market they don't want to pay regular price.
The other popular strategy is to buy them from within an indian reservation. If I recall correctly, not a penny worth of taxes have to be paid.

Hey, look ! Even the real thrifty people who roll their own are getting clobbered ! 1 measely pound of cig tobacco is now about $42 !

Like Foreign Financial Aid, these sudden sharp tax increases are pathways for the government to rip us off. Sure, the government will offer ''childrens healthcare'' a buck or two, but what are they going to do with the other 98 % ? There's no oversight in place to ensure that these tax revenues will, in fact, be allocated in responsible manner ! They're called "loopholes" in the law.

That lousy Bush, brokered a shitload more in foreign aid than Clinton ever did. "Aids Money to Africa" my ass ! Maybe a small percentage of the whole got to Africa but it more than likely got into the hands of warlords or tribal leaders who couldn't care less about their peoples' suffering with AIDS , the important thing is that said warlord gets his 50 dozen RPGs.:laugh:

I see right through these bastards, every one of them, world leaders that is. The opportunities are plentiful !
How much do the Nicorette patches cost?
a true benefit to having native reservations in canada.
10 dollars for a carton of cigarettes.
sell them for 15-20.
cash money what!?!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
How much do the Nicorette patches cost?

30 to 60$ per box. Which includes about 70 to 180 pieces, depending on if it's actual nicorette or the generic brand. 2mg or 4mg pieces of gum. Or the slow release 'patches' with 14/21 mg.

In the end it all balances out with smokers because they simply cant control their habit and will keep buying. Nicotine is the new DRUG DRUG. Because they're going to be poor controlling an addiction just like the cokeheads or heroin addicts. guah hah!

Me? I'm an alcoholic and I've made a still before. If they start taxing my booze.. I can simply make my own quite easily. Filters, heat management and proper piping are easy things to maintain compared to GROWING your own tobacco. A field, some sun and a lotta hard work for cigs. Bah.
I quit smoking 2 years ago because I could not afford them then. I am glad now that the prices are going up I don't have to put up with it. I should have quit 30 years ago but I was too stupid. I could have bought a house and retired by now but now I live in a small apartment and will have to work until I am 100.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I quit smoking a year and a half ago. I find all these new taxes on cigarettes absolutely ridiculous! $100 a carton is 10 bucks a pack...fuck that! I have no problems with people who smoke, but I have a serious problem with the government rapping those who do!
Maybe people will get lucky and genetic engineers will work on a type of tobacco plant that can readily grow in cold climates. That way everybody can grow their own.
I'm still surprised they are not taxing the air we breathe.

Seriously, I am shocked they haven't figured out a clever way of doing this.
it's getting a bit crazy, apparently you can buy a pint of cheap whiskey for 6 bucks but not a pack of smokes...what the fuck? i don't drink but i smoke so i get fucked...bastards. oh well i suppose i do enjoy my vice.
I'm a Cuban Cigar Man: Sophisticated (but still Dead:cool: