I know this is probably already posted but it is one of my favorites from the nasty goddess
From Whale Tail 1:cool:
Alexis has done anal,:nanner: prob do more since thats where tha real cheese is nowadays, but still Brianna Love seems to enjoy and out perform Alexis anyday anyhour. If Alexis would find that edge Brianna has she would take my vote.:cool:
I mean when you post a message on the BB(Bulletin Board). Lets say I post a message about Jaylene Rio and link the name to the FreeOnes galleries. Anyway, I figured it out, but thanx for your attention.
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Just a question, how do you create a link for a girl on freeones without text link. example Brianna Love instead of http://www.freeones.com/html/b_links/Brianna_Love/
:rolleyes: thats productive. (dont believe the story at all) Dont you people realise that we are at war. Ever heard of propaganda. Dont believe everything you read.:dunno: If is true.....thats messed up.....but i can see through bs. The terrorist is the one calling everybody else a terrorist...
No I dont believe in humanity. I think deeper than that. I was just giving you a little history lesson on Amerikkkan police. History doesnt die, it just gets forgotten. Most police could give a damn about the public. Its just a job like anything else. Why does the "public" need protection? I can...
Police were set up in Amerikkka to protect "whites" from newly unlsaved "blacks". People who join the force 2day I trully believe have mental problems
1. They cant think for themselves
2. Think their better than everybody else(God Complex)
3. Basically are not the smartest people on Earth
4. can...
Re: laura lion's new headlights
:bowdown:butcher:ban: did a good job going through nips:tongue::.....still like em nat:thumbsup:.....but then agian I'm an ass man:D
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