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  1. G

    Future Predictions

    The Mayan prediction isn't about the "end of the world" Apocalyspe in the encyclopedia actually means Revelation at the end of an age Or The age of revealing. And at that time dec 21 2012 we are completing something like a galactic year we are crossing in conjuction with galactic center. this...
  2. G

    Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007)

    More true than the bullshit they spew on the (NEWS) And they want you to question some of the facts in the movie, so you get of your ass and look it up. The federal reserve act is disguised slavery, wake up!
  3. G

    Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007)

    Everyone always seems to focus on the fine details within the grey area of the 911 truth part or worse they focus on the religious part The main thing to remember and to focus on is goverments of the world are all subservient to the people who run the fed, world bank , imf ..ect who are also...
  4. G

    your opinions on zionism?

    I don't doubt your a history teacher That is why you teach lies. It is a well known fact Grampa Bush was busted for laudering Nazi money And while our loyal soldiers were busy fighting the Nazis. Standard oil an American company was supplying fuel for the Nazi planes. There are many more links...
  5. G

    your opinions on zionism?

    If I just tell you, you probably wont believe me, but if you research it yourself... SEEING IS BELEIVING
  6. G

    your opinions on zionism?

    Zionist quote: One cow in palestine is worth all the jews in europe So if you are Jewish and defending Zionist thinking you may be slightly misinformed. Research who funded the Nazi party.