Future Predictions


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I predict that my balls will get suckled on within the next 10-15 years. Whether it's a man or a woman who does the suckling...that has yet to be determined.


The One and Only Big Daddy
Why change DVDs and CDs? They work great, if you keep them clean and don't scratch them.

Eight-tracks, records, cassette tapes, CDs, VHS, DVDs, Beta,
Laserdisc, and MP3's how many times are people expected to re-purchase the same music and movies?

The new fuel cell cars are not achieving the mileage we were promised they would.
Also, they are slower and they are made with too much plastic.

I like my big American vehicle.

By the year 3,000 they might be able to make a different type of vehicle.
I doubt by the year 2034.

I'm with you on that I can't see a new thype of engine by 2034 way too soon.
Piston engines will be around far after we are dead.....Fact

What they will be running them on I have no idea

ethanol is a joke as a fuel but its waste material

coal should be used to make a portion of the automotive fuel or at least diesel the germans did this in WW2 and it could be a biproduct of a nuclear plant .


We need to take advantage of the sun as well as the heat that has been leaching out of the ground.

Hopefully obama will get people to stick solar panels on their house with small storage
you can use deep cycle batteries and a trickle type charger so during a power outage you can still watch tv or make popcorn or whatever

and we need a modern rail transportation system

Id travel by rail if it only took me a little longer to get where im going and I travel to florida and california frequently

this needs to happen and we need to be more self reliant


Hiliary 2020
In the future computers will be so big and expensive that only the richest kings and sheiks will be able to afford them.

See you later will be replaced with smell you later.

Boomerangs will make a big comeback.

People will eat corn on the cob vertically.
People will eat corn on the cob vertically.

I once dated a girl who did that, good times!

And for all those people who say 2034 is too soon for a replacement to the piston engine, that's 25 years from now, there's plenty that has changed in the last 25 years, and it's only accelerating. We're getting into the quickening now, a very exciting time to be alive.
We need a modern rail transportation system

And we need to get people to use it. At Heathrow they're planning to build a third runway, which basicaly means they will have to flatten a few villages to make space, and travellers will have to use a taxi or bus to go the other twenty-odd miles into London. Meanwhile, Stansted not to far away is built on open farmland next to a motorway (interstate) and has a railway at the terminal, why aren't they building there instead?

On a related topic, I read today that there is a limited amount of lithium left in the world, and most will have been used in laptop and cellphone batteries before electric or hybrid cars are fully ready for widespread use. Another hurdle to overcome.......:wave2:
In the future, porn movies are going to be obsolete. Instead of wii type joysticks, you wear joywear that gives little and non-hurting electroshocks to you to turn you on and also goggles become trully 3d. With those hardwares, you'll use porn simulations with any pornstar. Hardcore or softcore doesn't matter. Just like in some sci-fi movies but real feelings. :) Porn console, joywear, hd goggles are what you will need for cumming. You can download simulation files for free. They are not fixed like movies, they are games with no scenarios.


in the future, we will live a long and painful life, filled with hopes and dreams but mostly disappointments and nightmares. a neverending stream of suffering and emptiness... and there will be taxes, wars, hunger and disease.

the same as now, basically. but with more wireless stuff and shit.


Closed Account
I see:

Drowned cities.
No Winter Olympics.
Food wars.
The Arabian peninsular in tatters.
Another Iranian revolution.
Revolution in China.
Sahara covered in solar panels under the control of and for the benefit of the West.
Permanent war in Central Africa.
An isolated and then de-isolated Israel.
Europe taking its border controls very seriously.
A surge in atheism.
I see:

Drowned cities.
No Winter Olympics.
Food wars.
The Arabian peninsular in tatters.
Another Iranian revolution.
Revolution in China.
Sahara covered in solar panels under the control of and for the benefit of the West.
Permanent war in Central Africa.
An isolated and then de-isolated Israel.
Europe taking its border controls very seriously.
A surge in atheism.

truth son
Well, if you believe in the Mayans' end of the world theory, DVDs, CDs, ties, and engines will all have disappeared then because we'll all be gone by then. ;)

The Mayan prediction isn't about the "end of the world" Apocalyspe in the encyclopedia actually means Revelation at the end of an age Or The age of revealing. And at that time dec 21 2012 we are completing something like a galactic year we are crossing in conjuction with galactic center. this galactic year process takes approx 26000 years. If your interested watch Ian Lungold Secrets of the mayan calandar unveiled. It is long but very interesting there is a lot to explain on this subject.
Everything will be made by robots.

And if everything is made by robots, no one will have a job, so how can we afford all this stuff? :confused: :wave2: