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  1. Jack Davenport

    The irs

    THEIRS Don't spend it all in one place dickheads.
  2. Jack Davenport

    This may be a deal breaker in my support of Ted Cruz When they take away the dildos, only the criminals will have dildos. Bernie 2016
  3. Jack Davenport

    One of Bernie Sanders' socialism models for America (Denmark) not doing so good. Turns out that Bernie doesn't know much about anything. Ryan 2016
  4. Jack Davenport

    Jordan Spieth lol

    Greg Norman is off of the hook for greatest choke at Augusta National.
  5. Jack Davenport

    The British healthcare system and particularly dental care I am going to be making a donation to a London low income community health/dental service this week. Just doing my part to help make Britain a better place. I encourage all Americans that are so inclined to help eradicate the scourge of British...
  6. Jack Davenport

    Nicholas Cage and Vince Neil incident in Vegas. Vince shows his "Wild Side"
  7. Jack Davenport

    It's official: Bernie Sanders is a cotdam idiot

    Holy geezus.
  8. Jack Davenport

    For all the libs that made fun of Ben Carson's and Scott Walker's wives

    Cotdam! She looks like Chris Farley. Bill Clinton would be a better looking First Lady than this Sleestak. Holy fuck what a homely woman!
  9. Jack Davenport

    Study: Average sex last 5.4 minutes

    It took me 1.75 minutes to read that. I nutted.
  10. Jack Davenport

    First ever snowfall in the Caribbean I got your climate change right here.
  11. Jack Davenport

    I did my part in helping to secure a safer and better Britain

    These patriots just received a donation from yours truly.
  12. Jack Davenport

    White House censors Holland's speech referencing "Islamic Terror" I blame it on climate change.
  13. Jack Davenport

    Heidi Cruz

    After she dumps Ted, I will be more than willing to console her.
  14. Jack Davenport

    Unemployed men bastardize an EgyptAir flight force landng over concerns of carbon footprint
  15. Jack Davenport

    Well Lookie here! There are right wingers that are fed up in Belgium

    I didn't think the right wingers existed anymore. Nazis even.
  16. Jack Davenport

    As a Cruz supporter, I may as well break this.

    It is not substantiated, but the National Enquirer is going with a story that Ted Cruz has had numerous extramarital affairs and a couple of the women identified as possibly being involved with him are Katrina Pierson who now works for the Trump campaign and Amanda Carpenter a writer and...
  17. Jack Davenport


    Every kid has their heroes growing up I guess.
  18. Jack Davenport

    Explosions at EU building and Brussels airport ETA: near EU building. Here we go again.
  19. Jack Davenport

    John Kasich receives citation later calls cop an idiot. Jesus H. Christ.
  20. Jack Davenport

    Happy MF Rounded Pi Day!

    This is a good board in where we celebrate Pi.
  21. Jack Davenport

    Donald Trump has a tenuous relationship with the spelling

    Which begs the question, can we go through Hillary's emails for errors?
  22. Jack Davenport

    DOJ has considered legal action against climate deniers

    In an effort to force policy on the fossil fuel industry No discussion or use of normal political avenues..just use threats and the...
  23. Jack Davenport

    Idaho pastor that gave invocation at Ted Cruz rally shot and wounded.

    Obviously the pastor was a good guy without a gun.
  24. Jack Davenport

    Former First Lady Nancy Reagan passes away at age 94 RIP Mrs. Reagan.
  25. Jack Davenport

    I will be visiting Maine, Kansas and possibly Nebraska in the foreseeable future

    :) Ted Cruz is a cotdam American treasure!
  26. Jack Davenport

    University of Miami medical resident attacks Uber driver. [video] Yank this bitch's medical license.
  27. Jack Davenport

    Sarah Palin blames Obama for her beating his girlfriend. This should put to rest any notion that I blame Obama for everything. She could probably benefit from parenting lessons from him and Trump for that matter. What a twit. ETA: meant to say her son in the thread title.
  28. Jack Davenport

    Well well well, it looks like there are a few freedom loving French that are fed up

    And they ARE minding there own fucked up country Good on 'em.
  29. Jack Davenport

    The Obama economy: Walmart to close over 150 stores in U.S. Say hello to president Trump or Cruz,.
  30. Jack Davenport

    David Bowie has passed away
  31. Jack Davenport

    Not visiting Europe again in the foreseeable future

    My last visit was to Frankfurt a couple of years ago. Clean up your shithole and solve your Muzzie problem if you want Americans to spend money there again. There, I said it.
  32. Jack Davenport

    Has anyone ever seen an attractive Samoan chick?

    Please advise...
  33. Jack Davenport

    El Chapo recaptured
  34. Jack Davenport

    Look for advanced prostate cancer to increase, Thanks Obama! So it turns out that under Obamacare, doctors that order PSA tests will be classified as excessive spenders and will be rated as such. This will result in fewer doctors ordering the...
  35. Jack Davenport

    Oh no! Lemmy Kilmister has passed away
  36. Jack Davenport

    Jim Webb issues scathing criticism of Hillary's leadership, mulls 3rd party run Attaboy Jimmy!
  37. Jack Davenport

    Bernie Sanders donor and YUUUGE Wu Tang fan arrested on securities fraud charges

    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy
  38. Jack Davenport

    Finland considering giving each citizen 1000 dollars (800Euros) each month That could buy a lot of Craigslist snipers.
  39. Jack Davenport

    No Scott Weiland thread? RIP man. Such a great singer and artist.
  40. Jack Davenport

    A-lister Hollywood star has HIV. Wants to remain anonymous Since we don't know who it is yet, then we must do what every reasonable person does and that is speculate. I'm going with Leonardo DiCaprio.
  41. Jack Davenport

    Ted MF Cruz!

    Won this debate :ayatollah kah-main-nee :D
  42. Jack Davenport

    Man! The photos of Greg Hardy's girlfriend show he beat the fuck out of her!

    As a Panthers fan, I say good riddance! How ' bout Dem Cowboys!
  43. Jack Davenport

    If totally left up to me, Charissa Thompson is getting the cock

    The new short hair and glasses = Hawt!
  44. Jack Davenport

    Barack Obama claimed the march on Selma resulted in his conception Just one problem with that. Obama was 3 years old when the march took place. Yet Ben Carson is a liar Had anyone else told such a lie, their...
  45. Jack Davenport

    What? No thread about the Louisiana cops killing the 6 year old autistic kid? You're getting slack. Or perhaps it is because these cops are black and bi-racial nobody gives a shit. #Autistic Lives Matter
  46. Jack Davenport

    This release does not bode well for Hillary Clinton She signed the NDA and this info was released for a reason. She needs to lawyer up and it needs to be someone other than Sidney Blumenthal.
  47. Jack Davenport

    England never has any problems when compared to the greatest nation on Earth Ang-laaand can kiss my ass!! :wave2:
  48. Jack Davenport

    Just an all American boy looking for a better life. School place violence by one Faisal Mohammed. Deport the motherfuckers. Poor Germany, this is your future.
  49. Jack Davenport

    Dear Democrat party: I beseech you to air this video 2 weeks before the election..

    And watch a landslide victory for the GOP materialize right before your very eyes like this country has never seen before. Go ahead, I dare you.
  50. Jack Davenport

    Obamacare = in heap big trouble. Collapsing under its own weight. :wave2: