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  1. Jack Davenport

    ***Breaking*** White House preparing draft for Trump to declare a state of emergency at the border Asked for 5.7 billion Now gets 7 billion #ArtOfTheDeal #SuckItLibs
  2. Jack Davenport

    *lol* Hey libs! Kathy Griffin is on YOUR side. Signaling a made 3-pointer is giving the Nazi sign. :rofl:
  3. Jack Davenport

    Heinz chili sauce >>>>>>> ketchup

    Where have you been all of my life?
  4. Jack Davenport

    The Democrat coalition chair threatens to out Lindsey Graham as a sissy queer blackmailed by Putin #ItDoesn’tMatterWhoYouLoveIfYouAreADemocrat #LGBTQLivesMatterIfYouAreADemocrat #Suck&Shit
  5. Jack Davenport

    ***BREAKING*** Russia recruited a Trump White House staffer!

    Wait, it wasn’t Trump or a White House staffer but rather the Chinese and senior staffer of Dianne Feinstein. #Hypocrats #Suck&Shit
  6. Jack Davenport

    Maine Governor LePage trolls the fuck out of Democrat that stole House seat Democrats: Lie, cheat and steal. Immoral motherfuckers go on and on about NC-9 but not a word about this bullshit. Fucking hypocrites.
  7. Jack Davenport

    How bad do you suck at life to get fired from a vape store?

    I was certain the guy was going to have an Australian or East Texas accent.
  8. Jack Davenport

    The Democrat shutdown of 2018 thread

    To be updated here.
  9. Jack Davenport

    The Barack Hussein Obama SUCK AND SHIT presidency 2009-2017 in review.

    I’ll start: Fast and Furious IRSGate Benghazi SpyGate
  10. Jack Davenport

    Christopher Steele admits to being hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to help challenge the 2016

    ... presidential election. Tick tock muthafuckas!
  11. Jack Davenport

    The Official ChuckFaze appreciation thread

    This thread is for showing our appreciation to Chas and all of the solid work he has been contributing lately. Especially his posts regarding Beta O’Rourke. We appreciate it.
  12. Jack Davenport

    Suck it Weekly Standard I hope you’re watching National Review.
  13. Jack Davenport

    John “ Boltneck” Kerry and Pantsuit dancing to Bollywood music

    It looks like a scene out of Austin Powers. :1orglaugh :1orglaugh
  14. Jack Davenport

    Trump/Russia collusion

    Bwahahahahahahahaha Trump orders Cohen to commit a felony!!!!!!! 1111I!!!!! It’s part of the conditions of his plea deal to say anything the prosecutor tells him to say. It will never be argued in court. Bwahahahahahahahaha In progress *Dialing for lollers*
  15. Jack Davenport

    Are all of you leftists on this board complete retards?

    It sure seems like it. Why do you allow conservatives who are vastly outnumbered here to constantly wipe the floor with you in debate and when we aren’t doing that we mock you until you become so triggered that you shoot yourself in the foot. Why is it that you can only function in an echo...
  16. Jack Davenport

    SJW’s are pushing for the banning of the Christmas classic Baby It’s Cold Outside

    Because the guy is doing what most guys do, try to get some ass...
  17. Jack Davenport

    Soon my asshole with be as shiny clean as a Frenchman’s

    Because I just ordered one of these. #WipingIsForPeasants
  18. Jack Davenport

    Yesterday, Donald Trump killed exactly 0 children.

    Meanwhile, Democrats killed 1,747 Tally for November 26, 2018- Democrats- 1,747 children killed Donald Trump- 0 children killed Will update periodically.
  19. Jack Davenport

    Check out my mad seashell pasta with marinara sauce and Italian sausage skills

    .... Fresh garlic-check Fresh tomatoes-check Onions Fresh basil and oregano-check Romano cheese in the sauce-check Olive oil-check Rosemary-check
  20. Jack Davenport

    Collard greens

    Done right, they may be the world’s greatest vegetable. I have had them with leftovers for the past three days and they are still delicious. It’s a southern thang.
  21. Jack Davenport

    Based Senator Chuck Grassley joins Trump in bitch slapping Chief Justice John Roberts
  22. Jack Davenport

    Check out my mad spaghetti and meat sauce skills!

    The worst spaghetti I’ve ever had was in Rome and the worst New York Strip steak I’ve ever had was at a steakhouse on Broadway in NYC. THIS is pasta and meat sauce.
  23. Jack Davenport

    U.S. Congressman Eric Swalwell is gonna take our guns because nukes

    He also threatened Trump last week with numerous investigations. This is the idiot that Milano stole her sig line from as if she said it. ( She likes to send messages to me through her sig lines) lol...
  24. Jack Davenport

    Newly elected member of congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t know the 3 branches of govt. Degree from Boston University-check Wearing 2 thousand dollar outfits but can’t afford an apartment-check Dumber than a sack of hammers-check Just like in Orange County Calif. Her district is...
  25. Jack Davenport

    If you quote someone in your sig line, should you credit them?

    I’m thinking yes. At least put some quotation marks around it for fuck’s sake! Instead of, this “ I’m gonna steal this quote that I like and totally not credit who said it because I really can’t rub two brain cells together to think of anything on my own but I want people to think that I said it”.
  26. Jack Davenport

    Marco Rubio: Democrats are trying to steal the election in Florida Democrats: Just count until you get the result that you want. It’s time to make ballot tampering and election fraud a Capital offense. Not a cotdam lib here gives a damn even if they have to cheat...
  27. Jack Davenport

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns I used to like him and held out hope that he would be a strong AG but he is feckless and weak. Good riddance.
  28. Jack Davenport

    250,000 jobs added in October, lowest unemployment in 50 years wages grow by 3%

    Even though we voted for Trump. :1orglaugh #BlueWave #We’reDoomed!
  29. Jack Davenport

    About this quote from Jeanine Pirro...”

    Um.. Donald Trump is not under criminal investigation. There was a crime established when Hillary Clinton destroyed 33,000 emails and kept a private server in her home. There has not been one crime established in over 2 years. Other than that, it’s exactly the same. :1orglaugh The left...
  30. Jack Davenport

    Trump to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship to children of illegals and non citizens Hot muddafuckin’ damn! SCOTUS will uphold as this is a jurisdictional issue per the 14th amendment. This is the kind of thing that I voted for. Schadenmuddafuckinboner!
  31. Jack Davenport

    Now THIS is a Philly cheesesteak!

    I present to you, my lunch today. Loaded with ribeye steak and cheese whiz. J Michaels Philly Deli is authentic Philly style cheesesteaks. Sure was good.
  32. Jack Davenport

    Cory Booker: He queer?
  33. Jack Davenport

    LOL @ Fauxcahontas’ rigged DNA test Trump’s pet name for her obviously gets under her skin. RUN LIZZIE RUN!
  34. Jack Davenport

    I drove up to a horrific bicycle accident today

    As I approached the scene, cars coming toward me where very slow and then cars in front of me came to a crawl. A garbage truck stopped in front of the bicyclist and initially I thought the truck was involved in the accident but the driver simply stopped when he noticed the body in the road...
  35. Jack Davenport

    Unemployment rate falls to 3.7 percent, even though we voted for Trump Suck it resistance.
  36. Jack Davenport

    Has there ever been a more ineffective movement than #TheResistance ?

    Trump is ramming it up their collective asses. Maybe one of my bowel movements after eating a half pound of cheddar cheese but other than that... The left should be embarrassed.
  37. Jack Davenport

    The day that the woofies at NCSU actually did something right

    I’ll set this up: A snowstorm hit the Raleigh-Durham area in February 2004 and 7 inches of snow will shut down cities in NC because we get snow infrequently and we are not prepared for it. A MooU message board called The Wolf Web had a few students enjoying the snow days when a few tech savvy...
  38. Jack Davenport

    Fuck you cotdam leftist filth scum, rot in hell

    Fucking hit piece on Kavanaugh saying that he should not be around children or coach girl’s basketball any longer. He alluded to the possibility that coaching, something that he loves doing may be over due to this fucking smear campaign against him. If you are a fucking Democrat I hate you. I...
  39. Jack Davenport

    Lindsey Graham!! Let’s spoon!

    Holy fuck! That boy done whooped some ass!
  40. Jack Davenport

    Is this what they mean by “White Power”?

    Damn! The Becky beat dat ass. :1orglaugh #HateCrime #Trump’sFault
  41. Jack Davenport

    Hurricane Florence is getting ready to fuck my shit up

    I wasn’t going to say anything hoping the cunt would go away but she’s bearing down straight for my city. Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies, Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain...
  42. Jack Davenport

    About those planes with loads of sick people landing in the U.S. during the past few days Yeah, what would James know about dry runs?
  43. Jack Davenport

    201,000 new jobs created in August. 2.9 percent increase in wages Booming economy. 4 percent annual growth In progress *lol* #25thAmendment #PeechFo-Tee-Fye
  44. Jack Davenport

    ***BREAKING*** Texas man rams vehicle into Fox affiliate and rambling on about treason No word if he had any sporting equipment in the vehicle with him.