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  1. S

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? My fingers.
  2. S

    stars on the London Stage

    Never have worked out how you embed to this forum, try ed without luck, but when i was in the UK saw a few shows we will rock you and rock of ages low saw that in New York. but some very hot women and some nice stocking sand suspenders on display on great legs. uk-theatre-show-trailers.html
  3. S

    Merry Christmas Maleonetwo

    Merry Christmas Maleonetwo
  4. S

    ur penis size

    My ex was the biggest Penis ive ever ment, was only 5 inches but was just the biggest penis and dickhead going.
  5. S

    Ashley Tisdale

    Ashley Tisdale for playboy center fold i say, love to see it.
  6. S

    Sofia Vergara

    The Beautiful Stunning sexy Sofia in seamed Nylons in London and New York saw her in the nylon and flesh in New York celebrity-events-photo-and-video
  7. S

    Kate Garraway

    Seen hear on television on trips to the UK, shes very hot.
  8. S

    Schoolboy, 14, shot dead gay classmate because 'he thought he had a crush on him'

    It is our legal right in the us to bear arms why because were so big, no Because we are all so fucking scared of everyone and anyone, some one tear up the second amendment in fact whole dam thing and write one for the 21 century not 18th time to move on.
  9. S

    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    Coffee I cant sleep,
  10. S

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? shakira Purple hair suits her and every move she makes just pours sexy appeal A dream to be able to move like that. http://shakira.html
  11. S

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? HER
  12. S

    Best U.S President Of The Last 50 Years

    None of them untill they scrap the collage vote and capital hill allocates funds of same amount to every candidate we will only ever have brought and paid for presidents.
  13. S

    Worst US president of the last 50 years

    all of them untill they scrap the collage vote and capital hill allocates funds of same amount to every candidate we will only ever have brought and paid for presidents.
  14. S

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Mariah Carey
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    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    Coffee I am off to a very boring team meeting soon.
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    Is Libya a victory for Obama?

    No as now the country will split up in to three regions again be totally tribal like it use to be and names like Somalia will spring to mind, there will be a blood bath. So If you think that's a victory bearing in mind he said after 90 days the 90 day rule did not apply as us troops were not...
  17. S

    Hi. I need help finding a DVD

    try on Your DVD Shelf, or a DVD store, hope that advice helps
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    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? susanna-reid lets ship her to the usa. http://susanna-reid.html
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    Sequals that shouldve never been made

    and all the harry potter films after the first book was written, they are so crap.
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    Favorite Type of Ladies Underwear?

    Fully fashioned stockings, Garter belt, french knickers, french basque, true class and imagination fuel and just feel so very comfortable and Sexy.
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    Nanci Guerrero

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    Taylor Swift

    For those of you who live in LA shes performing at the At The Staples Center tonight so might get a few sighting of her around town.
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    Kim Cattrall

    Re: Kim Cattrall Bondage She in My Top 5 of lady's I would love to take to bed and love with my fingers tongue and mouth all night long. http://kim-cattrall.html
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    Sequals that shouldve never been made

    The Whole Ten Yards
  25. S

    Porn movie pirates, beware: You may be sued

    I brought a film a person a work told me was a pirates movie hot porn wasn't a single pirates in it. My advice avoid them.
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    What are you listening to right now?

    nikita-verevki http://nikita-verevki.html
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    best love making scene you've EVER watched ?

    Underworld Evolution, Scott Speedmen and Kate Beckinsdale Filmed by her husband Len wisemen
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    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    More Coffee
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    Most underrated acting performance?

    The women in the apartment next to me faking it.
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    Cyber Sex Good bad or Wonderful?

    practice safe cyber sex always use a dust cover on your screen.
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    Dumbest question you've ever been asked...?

    Got me beat, so pass give up.
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    What makes you cum?

    When you are having sex, what can your partner do to make you cum? For me, all has to do is either stick her toes in my mouth or tell me she wants me to cum in her. so dose she not get tried of you coming in your pants?
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    Dumbest question you've ever been asked...?

    Dose oral sex Mean talking about it, in the 7th grade by a girl I use to know
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    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    Java Coffee
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    What are you reading now?

    er This Thread, why?
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    49ers-Raiders game violence

    I feel truly sorry for the two people but am so glad their not called the 69ers or someone might of got blown away (think about it) speedy recovering for the ones hurt
  37. S

    Have you ever seen your mum naked?

    Well said , I also wonder why is it still open, The though of weather he was from West Virginia was first thing that crossed my mind after dam what a sick question, The op its self and all the comments he has made after wards all say guys under 18 and very screwed up in the head. get some help asap.
  38. S

    Who would you fuck around the clock?

    mariah-carey. 15 years ago 10 years ago now in ten years time 24/7 http://mariah-carey.html Defo ariana-grande hot. http://ariana-grande.html
  39. S

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? This lady twice looks like way i dress except my stockings are fully fashioned, but she is hot and the photo is stunning.
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    Have you ever seen your mum naked?

    thank god I am a orphan and dam this is a very very sick thread bearing in mind the subjects covered on this forum.
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    I have the fastest internet speed ever.

    let me correct with more coffee in me, Must lay off that crap vodka. Move to France, 23 MB Standard or go to South Korean net so fast the page appears before your finger is off the enter key.
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    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    She looks so hot at the cafe Premiere
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    I have the fastest internet speed ever.

    more to France MB standard or south Korea so fast pictures up before fingers off enter button.
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    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

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    The Big Four

    Metallica did a cover of So What by the anti nowhere league but so f.... what. there great
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    Are You Considerate When It Comes To Your Neighbors?

    Many people having sex will have a cigarette afterwards, Well sex with me is so good,Even the Neighbors who were not in the room have a Cigarette. seeing where you live Abrogate if you listen you might well hear my partners screams of delight. PS: Yes it was a Light mood reply
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    Are You Considerate When It Comes To Your Neighbors?

    yes sex with me is always so good even my Neighbors have a cigarette, give them a reason to light up. so yes very considerate.
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    What are you listening to right now?

    the lady in apartment under me faking it.