Are You Considerate When It Comes To Your Neighbors?

yes sex with me is always so good even my Neighbors have a cigarette, give them a reason to light up. so yes very considerate.

I'm not sure I got that.
Many people having sex will have a cigarette afterwards, Well sex with me is so good,Even the Neighbors who were not in the room have a Cigarette. seeing where you live Abrogate if you listen You Might well hear my partners screams of delight.

PS: Yes it was a Light mood reply
Perhaps punctuation and the use of some capital letters would help make your point more clear?

And brush up on your grammar rules, too.
Many people having sex will have a cigarette afterwards, Well sex with me is so good,Even the Neighbors who were not in the room have a Cigarette. seeing where you live Abrogate if you listen You Might well hear my partners screams of delight.

PS: Yes it was a Light mood reply

Ok, now, I'll keep my window open at night and give a good listen to what comes in!

(I'm from the south...some times you have to speak slowly for it to take with me.)


For the EMPEROR!!
Yes I'm pretty considerate to my neighbours. I live in a nice quiet street and most people are either friendly or stick to themselves.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I live in an condo complex so a majority of my neighbors don't really have contact with each other, unless something profound happens like a couple of weeks ago some little shit was breaking into cars. Other than that I am oblivious to my neighbors.
It depends of who they are, if it is some person who comes originally from a posh suburb/town and who is not noisy, polite and respectful of others then I would be considerate to him but if it is some lowest scum trash coming from the poorest/shittiest surbubs who loves to play music loud evenings or during the week end and harassing others, he has more chances that it will end bad with me than well. I pay enormous attention of where my neighbours come from. Most of my neighbours are polite and peaceful people, never ran into an idiot till this day.


We don't have a problem with music. I have some neighbors who like to congregate around midnight a talk. They get a bit loud and I've never understood the thing with Hispanics and how they like to all talk at once. They haven't really stepped on my toes yet, so I haven't told them to STFU. If my other neighbors, who have small children, ever step up, I'll have their backs.