I hate when ppl say that Fallout 3 is short. If you actually go around and do stuff it takes quite a while. On my stealth guy, I did an assault on Paradise Falls. I stuck a bottlecap mine right by a generator and some guy walk right on it. It made a huge expolsion lol it was great.
I was glad I had made a small guns guy when I did my first run through Broken Steel. It was fun one shotting deathclaws with the Lincoln's Repeter lol.
Ever use the Wazer Wifle? I loved that gun the first playthrough I beat the base game. Idk why but I liked Billy lol Actually Little Lamplight...
I did that lol Its funny, but you have to time opening the box right. Then I just followed him out into the wastes and blew his head off. Apparently from what I read on fallout.wiki, If he survives leaveing he moves into Ol' Olney lol.
Lol Thats crazy. Did you ever piss off Dave to the point he says you have 24 hours to leave then just wait and come back? All the adults shoot at you on sight and you dont lose any karma lol. Plus you can get Ol' Painless too lol.
Thanks, I had to look around to find the Vault Boy icon for Death From Above mission lol. I love that game. I would play it now if I didn't just start on Persona 4.
Btw I ordered Borderlands the otherday. I haven't got it yes but hopefully I will before I'm off for the weekend.
I used to have a copy of the Playboy she was in, but I tossed it. I wasn't a fan of either show till after that came out so I didn't know who she was then.