Does any 1 know how to get free accounts for livejasmin ive seen some but i dont trust them they prob have viruses .. pls give feed back if u have tried it and it works let me know or is there any other way to get free account to watch the vids
You've got that right, sir.
The most ubiquitous, infuriating, browser-crashing ads on the entire internet.
Block one version and a different one appears.
Fuck livejasmine. I pray somebody hacks that site into total destruction.
Does any 1 know how to get free accounts for livejasmin ive seen some but i dont trust them they prob have viruses .. pls give feed back if u have tried it and it works let me know or is there any other way to get free account to watch the vids
Livejasmin sucks, they don't have good webcams and I simply hate their ads. They have them everywhere because they needs idiots to sign up who doesn't know that almost every other webcam site is better then they are. Try this