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    Ask me (Alisa) ALMOST anything

    why do college bookstores rape students so badly?
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    What are you eating right now?

    a nature valley vanilla yogurt chewy granola tastes similar to a rice crispy treat
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    The Member Above Me....

    lives in a grim forest not a grimm forest cuz then he'd be a fairy tale character
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    Today I'd give a facial to...

    maria brink
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    The last person to post here WINS!

    liddle liddle
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    Chain game

    757....another plane!
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    Drinks and food.

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    Word Association

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    Word Association TWO

    midnight oil
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    big pimpin'
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    What are you listening to right now?

    sing-a-long! h9FGrFKkPnM
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    Have you ever.............

    indeed i had an ambulance ride that i thought my insurance had covered only to find out 5 years later that it had not wished you had no need to interact with society as whole, but only with those individuals you enjoy the company of
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    Who has the best musical culture?

    prince - little red corvette
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    Word Association TWO

    your turn
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    Word Association

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    Fact About Yourself Thread

    i like millencolin
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    Random Statement Thread II

    i feel very little need to participate in society, i find most of what it offers meaningless and trivial, yet i find myself compelled by forces outside myself to be a part of it
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    This or That

    trolls i suppose, they're easier to ignore android or ios
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    What are you listening to right now?

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    What are you listening to right now?

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    What pisses you off?

    gamestop and their overcharging nature
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    Best Batman Graphic Novel

    gots to go with the dark knight returns
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    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

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    I'm Sure It's Fine

    good luck with your desicion
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    Roald Pumping Gas!

    is that ferris bueller?
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    Random Statement Thread II

    snap crackle pop
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    Answer a Question with a Question!

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    This or That

    welfare i suppose, if you're begging all day you can't be attempting to find a new/better job...or maybe begging takes up less of your time then i think it does traffic tickets: fight 'em or just pay
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    Word Association

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    The last person to post here WINS!

    me thinks not
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    The Member Above Me....

    once got his arm trapped under a rock 127 hours style and chiseled his way out with his teeth
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    Random Statement Thread II

    a black one
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    Word Association TWO

    disturbed individual
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    Word Association

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    The last person to post here WINS!

    dub style?
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    One productive thing you've done today

    i went around to get and turn in applications today (haven't applied for a job in a while, but current job is expiring...or more the business is) only to find that everywhere wants you to apply i learned that you apply online nowadays i suppose
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    Today I'd give a facial to...

    jennifer connelly
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    Will a man, given the history of a killer, continue in that vein? Or are we, in fact, more than the sum of our memories?
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    Fact About Yourself Thread

    i have heartburn at night...sometimes
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    Have you ever.............

    no i'm fairly distinctive looking (i'm usually with full beard and long hair) fallen asleep eating something
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    Priscilla Caputo she size tits?? pls help

    damn! i just did a google image search on her...she is foul nastiness
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    Favourite Movie Quotes

    Will a man, given the history of a killer, continue in that vein? Or are we, in fact, more than the sum of our memories?
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    the Confession

    sounds stuffy
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    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! dark city
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    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    pomegranate juice
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    Pull out method

    i wish i coulda busted that one with her too