makes me think of when people think their truck can take a pallet of concrete...which ways 2 tons or 4000 pounds i try to say....your truck can't hang, when i pull the forklift out it will fuck your truck up unless you have a decent truck
I was working at Cisco Systems at the time and I used my tv as my alarm back then. I had HLN set as my wake up and normally I'd just get a few news stories mixed in with a bunch of tripe. Of course, that morning was different the first tower had already been hit when my tv woke me. So I got up...
gianna michaels, alexis silver, angelica sin, queeny love, katja kassin, isabella soprano, ava devine and lisa sparks come to mind
alexis, angelica, isabella, queeny and katja are retired tho but their work is out there and enjoyable
it's funny going around applying for jobs these's been about six years since i had to...basically finding a place with paper applications is a surprise
bride of chucky didn't strike fear in me i did masturbate to jennifer tilly tho
been busy and realized it'd been two weeks since you logged into freeones?