Is it OK for a White Actor to play MLK Jr. in a film?


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There's a difference between George Washington and some guy I've never even heard of before. Beside, Freeman has a dynamite voice.
The film is clearly based on a real invention that a man created for a dolphin. Its based on a true story of a guy who invented this specific invention. The main subject of the movie is the artificial dolphin tail. You cant just make the inventor be a green alien from a far off planet.

If that man had been black in real life, would it be ok to portray him as white in a film?

No it would not be ok, blacks would raise hell about it! I

They would? Is this happening right now? Or is this a hypothetical you made up to get upset about Morgan Freeman playing this specific role? Give it a break, white supremacist.


Hiliary 2020
One thing about angry white people...they will find almost anything to get angry about.

Man Stan, what's with you and puttin down whitey all the time?
What creates that kind of mind set?

And just that statement alone.
As if a lot of blacks just aren't angry too?

don't get me wrong, i say what i feel here too, no problem with that.
but at least I diversify my criticism to more than just one group.

cindy CD/TV

As long as they paint his face black to avoid any controversy then I don't see a problem

Yes, it's not the same as the "blackface" vaudeville days when racial sterotypes were used as entertainment. Having said that, through, using a white man to play Martin Luther King Jr., of all people, would get a lot of people in the black community PISSED OFF -- and I can't say I would blame them. Maybe it's best to avoid that firestorm of anger and outcry altogether. There are many talented black actors who would do a fine job as MLK.
As long as they paint his face black to avoid any controversy then I don't see a problem

Of course considering that the movie Tropic Thunder was a comedy and was satirizing the ridiculousness of that situation I don't know if that is a good example.
What fucking difference does it make? Is anybody even going to watch this movie? Liz Taylor played Cleopatra, the "Crying Indian" in those PSA's from the '70's was an Italian. If you are going to a "Bio-Pic" for a history lesson then you are going to fail the class anyhow. It's a fucking movie, get on with your life. Are you saying that Jamie Foxx should not have played Ray Charles because he isn't blind? Any movie that says "based on a true story" is usually so far off the mark that it's comical.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Man Stan, what's with you and puttin down whitey all the time?
What creates that kind of mind set?

And just that statement alone.
As if a lot of blacks just aren't angry too?

don't get me wrong, i say what i feel here too, no problem with that.
but at least I diversify my criticism to more than just one group.

Thank you for making my point, and please continue doing so. It shows weakness.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Hey as long as it's not Russell Brand then I don't know, sadly he is being casted as Beetlejuice for the new sequel.
You're comparing apples and oranges. If they were making an exact biography Dan Strzempka and casting Morgan Freeman for the part, that would be one thing. But from the looks of it, they're openly fictionalizing this story. This isn't the story of Dan Strzempka. It's the story of a completely fictional guy who makes a prosthetic dolphin tail in a situation and method that is similar to what Strzempka did. This isn't history. It's historical fiction.

Good closed.

The point clearly made by the story which the original poster either failed to glean or purposefully overlooked is that it is a non-fictional account.

Example, the story of Jesus has been told by the Bible and various other text. Does that mean the Wachowski brothers in creating The Matrix should have been specific about casting a Jewish man in the role of Neo since the story is essentially about a savior who saves mankind by sacrificing his life for man's sins?? (I guess it's a good thing Will Smith turned the role down otherwise they'd really have hell to pay...:o)

The film is clearly based on a real invention that a man created for a dolphin. Its based on a true story of a guy who invented this specific invention. The main subject of the movie is the artificial dolphin tail. You cant just make the inventor be a green alien from a far off planet.

If that man had been black in real life, would it be ok to portray him as white in a film?

No it would not be ok, blacks would raise hell about it! I

I would think in stories where the creators are casting for a real persons they would simply be using good judgement to cast a person who is not only the same race but at least bears some resemblance to the real person(s) their character is based on. Otherwise they shouldn't expect too much success for their efforts.

But of course cinematic history is littered with examples of real life persons who were Indians, Arabs, etc. but cast with whites.

I imagine why that was done was so that the audience could appreciate the talent those specific actors brought to those roles and those stories. Probably like the case with this story.:dunno:

They're not trying to steal credit for this man's accomplishments. Ironically this man will GAIN more notoriety for his accomplishments through this film than he probably ever would have otherwise...probably because of Morgan Freeman's role.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Would it be OK to make a film about George Washington Carver and have a White man play the famous inventor of peanut butter?

I guess it would be Ok for Morgan Freeman to play George Washington the first president of the USA.

As others have pointed out, it seems that you're sticking yourself with pins just to make yourself feel pain.

Did you even read the article that you, yourself, posted???

Dan Strzempka doesn't look like Morgan Freeman, but he's flattered the acting legend is bringing his story to life on the big screen.

"It's an honor; he's one of my favorite actors. He's one of the best actors of all time, so it's just a little intimidating," Strzempka said Wednesday in the laboratory at Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics in Sarasota.

Though the character's name has been changed, Strzempka is a big part of the coming movie "Dolphin Tale."

Strzempka can't wait to see the movie based on Winter's life — and his own. He plans to attend a preview Saturday. His wife and children are flying to Hollywood with him to see the film when it opens Sept. 23.

So to answer your own question (which you could have answered... if you'd read the article you posted), yes, it would be OK for a White person to play a character based on George Washington Carver. Especially if George Washington Carver (or his family/descendants) gave his blessing and would say that he was flattered to have a character based on him portrayed by say, Anthony Hopkins or Sean Connery.

There was a western made back in the late 60's or early 70's and it was based on a Black lawman from the Old West. In the modern interpretation, the actor who played the character was White. I want to say it was Eastwood but I can't remember. The myth vs. history comparison was featured on the History Channel a few years ago. You can look it up if you're curious... since it doesn't interest me enough to make the effort. But I don't recall Rev. Al or Jesse Jackson staging any protests in Hollywood about it.
William Mapother played a guy who is actually black in real life, in the World Trade Center movie. The real guy thought it was funny and didn't have a problem with it.


Hiliary 2020
Thank you for making my point, and please continue doing so. It shows weakness.

How did I make your point?
It shows that I'm angry, is that what you mean?

I don't cheap shot or insult any race.
But I do criticize when its called for, and I don't care if any pea brains call me racist for doing so.

But you make it a point all the time to put down whites or to bring up the fact that someones white, followed by or accompanied with an insult.

But I like you man, if that means anything.
I just dont get you as far as that thing goes.